<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel=author href="mailto:[email protected]">
<link rel=help href="https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/6040">
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div style="height:4000px">spacer</div>
async function runTest(originType, elementType, frameRelation) {
await promise_test(async t => {
assert_true(!!window.testRunner, 'testRunner.findString() is needed to test find-in-page.');
assert_equals(window.scrollY, 0, 'Test must start scrolled to the top.');
t.add_cleanup(() => window.scrollTo(0, 0));
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
let path = null;
if (frameRelation === 'within') {
if (elementType === 'details') {
path = '/html/resources/details.html';
} else if (elementType === 'hidden=until-found') {
path = '/html/resources/hiddenuntilfound.html';
} else {
assert_unreached('unrecognized elementType: ' + elementType);
} else if (frameRelation === 'around') {
path = '/html/resources/target.html';
} else {
assert_unreached('unrecognized frameRelation: ' + frameRelation);
assert_true(location.hostname === 'localhost' || location.hostname === '',
'Must be on localhost or for cross origin testing. Got: ' + location.hostname);
const thisOrigin = location.hostname;
const crossOrigin = thisOrigin === 'localhost' ? '' : 'localhost';
let host = null;
if (originType === 'same-origin') {
host = thisOrigin;
} else if (originType === 'cross-origin') {
host = crossOrigin;
} else {
assert_unreached('unrecognized originType: ' + originType);
iframe.src = `http://${host}:${location.port}${path}`;
const loadPromise = new Promise(resolve => iframe.onload = resolve);
if (frameRelation === 'within') {
} else if (frameRelation === 'around') {
let element = null;
if (elementType === 'details') {
element = document.createElement('details');
} else if (elementType === 'hidden=until-found') {
element = document.createElement('div');
element.setAttribute('hidden', 'until-found');
} else {
assert_unreached('unrecognized elementType: ' + elementType);
assert_equals(document.getElementById('expand'), null,
'#expand should have been removed before the test.');
t.add_cleanup(() => element.remove());
element.id = 'expand';
} else {
assert_unreached('unrecognized frameRelation: ' + frameRelation);
await loadPromise;
// Search in all frames like the browser process would initiate.
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('find', '*');
testRunner.findString('target', ['Async']);
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
if (frameRelation === 'within') {
const isExpandedPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if (event.data === 'expanded: true') {
} else if (event.data === 'expanded: false') {
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('isexpanded', '*');
assert_true(await isExpandedPromise, `Content should be auto-expanded.`);
} else if (frameRelation === 'around') {
const expand = document.getElementById('expand');
if (elementType === 'details') {
assert_true(expand.hasAttribute('open'), 'Details element should be opened.');
} else if (elementType = 'hidden=until-found') {
assert_false(expand.hasAttribute('hidden'), 'hidden=until-found element should be revealed.');
} else {
assert_unreached('unrecognized elementType: ' + elementType);
} else {
assert_unreached('unrecognized frameRelation: ' + frameRelation);
assert_true(window.scrollY > 0, 'Page should be scrolled down due to find-in-page.');
}, `Auto-expand a ${elementType} ${frameRelation} a ${originType} iframe.`);
(async () => {
for (originType of ['cross-origin', 'same-origin']) {
for (elementType of ['details', 'hidden=until-found']) {
for (frameRelation of ['within', 'around']) {
await runTest(originType, elementType, frameRelation);