(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
function printNodeAndChildren(node, leadingSpace = "") {
if (node.ignored) {
return node.children.map((child) => printNodeAndChildren(child, leadingSpace)).join("\n");
let string = leadingSpace;
if (node.role)
string += node.role.value;
string += "<no role>";
string += (node.name && node.name.value ? ` "${node.name.value}"` : "");
for (const child of node.children)
string += "\n" + printNodeAndChildren(child, leadingSpace + " ");
return string;
var {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startHTML(`
<p>First paragraph</p>
<iframe src="${testRunner.url('../resources/iframe-accessible-name.html')}"></iframe>
`, 'Tests Accessibility.getChildAXNodes');
await dp.Accessibility.enable();
let {result} = await dp.Accessibility.getFullAXTree({depth: 2});
let iframeNode;
for (const node of result.nodes) {
if (node.role?.value === 'Iframe') {
iframeNode = node;
const nodeMap = new Map();
for (const node of result.nodes)
nodeMap.set(node.nodeId, node);
for (const [nodeId, node] of nodeMap.entries()) {
node.children = [];
for (const childId of node.childIds || []) {
const child = nodeMap.get(childId);
if (!child)
child.parent = node;
const rootNode = Array.from(nodeMap.values()).find(node => !node.parent);
testRunner.log("\nAfter getFullAXTree:\n" + printNodeAndChildren(rootNode))
const article = rootNode.children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0];
let childResult = await dp.Accessibility.getChildAXNodes({id: article.nodeId});
result = childResult.result;
for (const node of result.nodes) {
nodeMap.set(node.nodeId, node);
node.children = [];
for (const childId of article.childIds) {
const child = nodeMap.get(childId);
if (!child) {
testRunner.log("Should have gotten child with id " + childId);
child.parent = article;
testRunner.log("\nAfter getChildAXNodes:\n" + printNodeAndChildren(rootNode));
const iframeDescribeResp = await dp.DOM.describeNode({backendNodeId: iframeNode.backendDOMNodeId});
const frameId = iframeDescribeResp.result.node.frameId;
// We retrieve the root node of the child frame using `getFullAXTree` with depth = 0 to omit its children.
const iframeResult = await dp.Accessibility.getFullAXTree({depth: 0, frameId});
const rootWebArea = iframeResult.result.nodes;
// To test that frameIds are handled correctly, we can now fetch the children of the iframe root using
// `getChildAXNodes` with the frameId of the iframe.
const genericResult = await dp.Accessibility.getChildAXNodes({id: rootWebArea[0].nodeId, frameId});
const generic = genericResult.result.nodes;
const heading = await dp.Accessibility.getChildAXNodes({id: generic[0].childIds[0], frameId});
iframeNode.childIds = [rootWebArea[0].nodeId];
for (const node of [...rootWebArea, ...heading.result.nodes])
nodeMap.set(node.nodeId, node);
for (const [nodeId, node] of nodeMap.entries()) {
node.children = [];
for (const childId of node.childIds || []) {
const child = nodeMap.get(childId);
if (!child)
child.parent = node;
testRunner.log("\ngetChildAXNodes iframe:\n" + printNodeAndChildren(rootNode));