(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startURL(
`Tests fetch cached response entries from the protocol.`);
async function waitForServiceWorkerActivation() {
let versions;
do {
const result = await dp.ServiceWorker.onceWorkerVersionUpdated();
versions = result.params.versions;
} while (!versions.length || versions[0].status !== "activated");
async function dumpEntries(skipCount, pageSize) {
const result = await dp.CacheStorage.requestEntries({cacheId, skipCount, pageSize});
const entries = result.result.cacheDataEntries;
entries.sort((a, b) => a.requestURL.localeCompare(b.requestURL));
testRunner.log(`Cached requests (${skipCount || '-'}/${pageSize || '-'}): `);
for (let entry of entries)
testRunner.log(' ' + entry.requestURL);
const swActivatedPromise = waitForServiceWorkerActivation();
await dp.Runtime.enable();
await dp.ServiceWorker.enable();
await swActivatedPromise;
const {result} = await dp.CacheStorage.requestCacheNames({securityOrigin: ""});
const cacheId = result.caches[0].cacheId;
testRunner.log(`Expecting skipCount and pageSize to slice the results`);
await dumpEntries(0, 1);
await dumpEntries(1, 1);
await dumpEntries(0, 2);
testRunner.log(`Expecting skipCount to default to 0`);
await dumpEntries(undefined, 1);
testRunner.log(`Expecting pageSize to default to all`);
await dumpEntries(0, undefined)