(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const {page, session, dp} =
await testRunner.startBlank(
"Check that the dialogShown event works after enabling the " +
"FedCm domain then triggering the FedCm dialog");
await page.navigate(
// Enable FedCM domain
await dp.FedCm.enable({disableRejectionDelay: true});
// Trigger FedCM dialog
const dialogPromise = session.evaluateAsync("triggerDialog()");
let msg = await dp.FedCm.onceDialogShown();
if (msg.error) {
} else {
testRunner.log(msg.params, "msg.params: ", ["dialogId"]);
dp.FedCm.selectAccount({dialogId: msg.params.dialogId, accountIndex: 0});
const token = await dialogPromise;
testRunner.log("token: " + token);