(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const {session, dp} = await testRunner.startURL(
'Tests that Page.stopLoading() in a fenced frame returns an error.');
await dp.Page.enable();
await dp.Runtime.enable();
{autoAttach: true, waitForDebuggerOnStart: false, flatten: true});
let {sessionId} = (await dp.Target.onceAttachedToTarget()).params;
let childSession = session.createChild(sessionId);
let ffdp = childSession.protocol;
// Wait for FF to finish loading.
await ffdp.Page.enable();
ffdp.Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled({enabled: true});
await ffdp.Page.onceLifecycleEvent(event => event.params.name === 'load');
await ffdp.Network.setRequestInterception({patterns: [{}]});
const navigatePromiseForFF = ffdp.Page.navigate(
{url: testRunner.url('../resources/inspector-protocol-page.html')});
const result = await ffdp.Page.stopLoading();
'Page.stopLoading() from a fenced frame:\n' +
(result.error ? 'PASS: ' + result.error.message : 'FAIL: no error'));
// Page.stopLoading() from a top level page cancels all navigation in the
// page.
await navigatePromiseForFF;
testRunner.log('navigation finished');