// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(function() {
class FetchHandler {
constructor(testRunner, protocol, once) {
this._testRunner = testRunner;
this._protocol = protocol;
this._callback = null;
this._once = once;
_handle(params) {
matched() {
return new Promise(fulfill => this._callback = fulfill);
async continueRequest(params) {
for (;;) {
const request = await this.matched();
const result = this._protocol.Fetch.continueRequest(
Object.assign(params || {}, {requestId: request.requestId}))
.then(result => this._handleError(result));
if (this._once)
return result;
async fail(params) {
for (;;) {
const request = await this.matched();
const result = this._protocol.Fetch.failRequest(
Object.assign(params, {requestId: request.requestId}))
.then(result => this._handleError(result));
if (this._once)
return result;
async fulfill(params) {
for (;;) {
const request = await this.matched();
const result = this._protocol.Fetch.fulfillRequest(
Object.assign(params, {requestId: request.requestId}))
.then(result => this._handleError(result));
if (this._once)
return result;
_handleError(result) {
if (result.error && !/Invalid InterceptionId/.test(result.error.message))
this._testRunner.log(`Got error: ${result.error.message}`);
class FetchHelper {
constructor(testRunner, targetProtocol) {
this._handlers = [];
this._onceHandlers = [];
this._testRunner = testRunner;
this._protocol = targetProtocol;
this._logPrefix = '';
this._enableLogging = true;
this._protocol.Fetch.onRequestPaused(event => {
const handler = this._findHandler(event);
if (handler)
enable() {
return this._protocol.Fetch.enable({});
onRequest(pattern) {
const handler = new FetchHandler(this._testRunner, this._protocol, false);
this._handlers.push({pattern, handler});
return handler;
onceRequest(pattern) {
const handler = new FetchHandler(this._testRunner, this._protocol, true);
this._onceHandlers.push({pattern, handler});
return handler;
setLogPrefix(logPrefix) {
this._logPrefix = logPrefix || '';
setEnableLogging(enableLogging) {
this._enableLogging = typeof enableLogging === 'undefined' ? true : enableLogging;
static makeHeaders(headers) {
const result = [];
for (const header of headers) {
const kv = header.split(":");
result.push({ name: kv[0].trim(), value: kv[1].trim()});
return result;
static makeResponse(body, headers, code) {
const response = {
responseCode: code || 200,
responseHeaders: this.makeHeaders(headers || ["Content-type: text/html"]),
if (body)
response["body"] = btoa(body);
return response;
static makeContentResponse(body, contentType) {
return this.makeResponse(body,
contentType ? ["Content-type: " + contentType] : contentType);
static makeRedirectResponse(location) {
return this.makeResponse(undefined, ["Location: " + location], 302);
_logRequest(event) {
if (!this._enableLogging) return;
const params = event.params;
const response = event.responseErrorReason || event.responseStatusCode;
const response_text = response ? 'Response' : 'Request';
this._testRunner.log(`${this._logPrefix}${response_text} to ${params.request.url}, type: ${params.resourceType}`);
_findHandler(event) {
const params = event.params;
const url = params.request.url;
let entry;
let index = FetchHelper._findHandlerIndex(this._onceHandlers, url);
if (index >= 0) {
[entry] = this._onceHandlers.splice(index, 1);
} else {
index = FetchHelper._findHandlerIndex(this._handlers, url);
if (index >= 0)
entry = this._handlers[index];
if (entry)
static _findHandlerIndex(arr, url) {
return arr.findIndex(item => {
if (!item.pattern)
return true;
if (typeof item.pattern === 'string' || item.pattern instanceof String) {
return url === item.pattern;
return item.pattern.test(url);
return FetchHelper;