(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const {dp} = await testRunner.startBlank(`Tests that cookies for a different origin can be set`);
const helper = (await testRunner.loadScript('resources/cookie-helper.js'))(dp);
await dp.Network.enable();
testRunner.log(await dp.Network.setCookie({name: 'cookie1', value: '.domain', domain: '.chromium.org', path: '/path'}),
'Setting cookie by URL without expires: ');
testRunner.log(await dp.Network.setCookie({name: 'cookie2', value: '.domain', domain: '.chromium.org', path: '/pathB', expires: Date.now() + 1000}),
'Setting cookie by URL with expires: ');
testRunner.log('All cookies before deletion: ' + await helper.getCookiesLog());
testRunner.log((await dp.Network.deleteCookies({name: 'cookie1', domain: '.chromium.org', path: '/path'})).result,
'Delete cookie1: ');
testRunner.log((await dp.Network.deleteCookies({name: 'cookie2', domain: '.chromium.org', path: '/path'})).result,
'Attempt to delete cookie2 with wrong path: ');
testRunner.log('All cookies after deletion: ' + await helper.getCookiesLog());