(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const SIZE = 50;
const {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startHTML(`
div {
display: inline;
width: 25px;
height: 50px;
.left {
background: green;
.right {
background: red;
body {
margin: 0;
<div class=left>oo</div>
<div class=right>oo</div>`, 'Tests that captureScreenshot works');
async function processImageData(data, format) {
const src = `data:image/${format};base64,${data}`;
const expression = `
(async () => {
const image = new Image();
await new Promise(fulfill => {
image.onload = fulfill;
image.src = '${src}';
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = image.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = image.naturalHeight;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
const url = canvas.toDataURL('image/${format}');
return {
pixels: context.getImageData(0, 0, ${SIZE}, ${SIZE}).data,
const response = await dp.Runtime.evaluate({
awaitPromise: true,
returnByValue: true,
const result = response.result.result.value;
return result;
function getPixel(pixelData, x, y) {
const offset = (x + y * SIZE) * 4;
const pixel = {
r: pixelData[offset],
g: pixelData[offset + 1],
b: pixelData[offset + 2],
a: pixelData[offset + 3],
return pixel;
async function captureScreenshot(format) {
const params = {
clip: {x: 0, y: 0, width: SIZE, height: SIZE, scale: 1},
const response = await dp.Page.captureScreenshot(params);
const processedImageData =
await processImageData(response.result.data, format);
return processedImageData;
function colorSquareDiff(color1, color2) {
const rDiff = color1.r - color2.r;
const gDiff = color1.g - color2.g;
const bDiff = color1.b - color2.b;
const aDiff = color1.a - color2.a;
return rDiff * rDiff + gDiff * gDiff + bDiff * bDiff + aDiff * aDiff;
async function compare(processedImageData, expectedPixels) {
let numBadPixels = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
const pixel = getPixel(processedImageData.pixels, x, y);
const expectedPixel = getPixel(expectedPixels, x, y);
const diff = colorSquareDiff(pixel, expectedPixel);
if (diff > 25 * 25) {
numBadPixels += 1;
const percentBad = numBadPixels / (SIZE * SIZE);
testRunner.log(`less than 20% bad pixels: ${percentBad < 0.2}`);
const png = await captureScreenshot('png');
// Confirm green and red pixels.
const green = getPixel(png.pixels, 10, 0);
const red = getPixel(png.pixels, 35, 0);
testRunner.log(`green: ${JSON.stringify(green)}`);
testRunner.log(`red: ${JSON.stringify(red)}`);
// Compare lossy images against the (non-lossy) PNG pixels.
const jpeg = await captureScreenshot('jpeg');
compare(jpeg, png.pixels);
const webp = await captureScreenshot('webp');
compare(webp, png.pixels);