(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startBlank(
`Tests that Page.setBypassCSP works for main frame.`);
await dp.Page.enable();
await dp.Runtime.enable();
testRunner.log('Verify CSP works when set with <meta>');
await page.navigate('./resources/csp.html');
await dumpCSPEnabled();
testRunner.log('Verify CSP works when set with header');
await page.navigate('./resources/csp.php');
await dumpCSPEnabled();
testRunner.log('\n>> ENABLING CSP BYPASS <<\n');
await dp.Page.setBypassCSP({ enabled: true });
testRunner.log('Verify CSP is bypassed when set with <meta>');
await page.navigate('./resources/csp.html');
await dumpCSPEnabled();
testRunner.log('Verify CSP is bypassed when set with header');
await page.navigate('./resources/csp.php');
await dumpCSPEnabled();
testRunner.log('Check bypass after cross-origin navigation');
await page.navigate('');
await page.navigate('');
await dumpCSPEnabled();
async function dumpCSPEnabled() {
const message = await dp.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: 'window.__injected' });
testRunner.log(' CSP bypassed: ' + (message.result.result.value === 42));