(async function gatherNetworkEvents(testRunner, dp, options = {}) {
let { log, requests: requestsRemaining } = { log: true, requests: 1, ...options };
const events = [];
const extraInfoEvents = [];
await dp.Network.enable();
dp.Network.onRequestWillBeSent(event => events.push(event));
dp.Network.onRequestWillBeSentExtraInfo(event => extraInfoEvents.push(event));
dp.Network.onResponseReceived(event => events.push(event));
dp.Network.onResponseReceivedExtraInfo(event => extraInfoEvents.push(event));
await new Promise(resolve => {
function requestComplete() {
if (--requestsRemaining === 0) resolve();
dp.Network.onLoadingFinished(event => { events.push(event); requestComplete(); });
dp.Network.onLoadingFailed(event => { events.push(event); requestComplete(); });
// Wait a little bit longer for the network service to catch up, if necessary.
let expectedExtraInfoEvents = 0;
for (let event of events) {
if (event.method === 'Network.requestWillBeSent') {
expectedExtraInfoEvents += (event.params.redirectResponse ? 2 : 1);
} else if (event.method === 'Network.responseReceived') {
while (extraInfoEvents.length < expectedExtraInfoEvents) {
await dp.Network.onceResponseReceivedExtraInfo();
// Sort the events by request ID, preserving the order in which requests were
// first seen in the main event stream, and the relative order of events for a
// particular request ID.
const requestOrder = Array.from(new Set(events.map(e => e.params.requestId)));
const byRequestOrder = (a, b) => requestOrder.indexOf(a.params.requestId) - requestOrder.indexOf(b.params.requestId);
// The *ExtraInfo events are dispatched from the network service and may have
// unreliable ordering relative to other events. To avoid flakiness, this test
// weaves them after the corresponding (in sequence) non-ExtraInfo events.
function takeWhile(arr, predicate) {
const i = arr.findIndex(e => !predicate(e));
return arr.splice(0, i >= 0 ? i : arr.length);
function maybeTake(arr, predicate) {
if (arr.length > 0 && predicate(arr[0]))
return arr.shift();
const unmatchedEvents = takeWhile(extraInfoEvents, e => !requestOrder.includes(e.params.requestId));
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
unmatchedEvents.push(...takeWhile(extraInfoEvents, e => byRequestOrder(e, events[i]) < 0));
switch (events[i].method) {
case 'Network.requestWillBeSent':
// As one particular quirk, responseReceived is not sent for redirect
// responses; instead the response is attached to the requestWillBeSent.
// As a result, we'll need to pick up both potential extra info events.
const toPush = [
events[i].params.redirectResponse && maybeTake(extraInfoEvents, e => e.method === 'Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo'),
maybeTake(extraInfoEvents, e => e.method === 'Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo'),
events.splice(i + 1, 0, ...toPush.filter(x => x));
case 'Network.responseReceived':
const responseExtra = maybeTake(extraInfoEvents, e => e.method === 'Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo');
if (responseExtra)
events.splice(i + 1, 0, responseExtra);
if (log) {
const stabilizeNames = [...TestRunner.stabilizeNames, 'connectionId', 'timing', 'connectTiming', 'wallTime', 'responseTime', 'securityDetails', 'remoteIPAddress', 'Date', 'ETag', 'Last-Modified', 'User-Agent', 'X-Powered-By', 'headersText'];
for (const event of events) {
testRunner.log(event.params, event.method, stabilizeNames);
if (unmatchedEvents.length) {
testRunner.log(unmatchedEvents.length, 'unmatched events');
for (const event of unmatchedEvents) {
testRunner.log(event.params, event.method, stabilizeNames);
return events;