(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
async function testBucket(bucketName) {
const bucket = bucketName === undefined ?
'self' :
`(await navigator.storageBuckets.open('${bucketName}'))`;
const frameId = (await dp.Page.getResourceTree()).result.frameTree.frame.id;
const storageKey = (await dp.Storage.getStorageKeyForFrame({
frameId: frameId
const bucketPromise = (async () => {
dp.Storage.setStorageBucketTracking({ storageKey, enable: true });
const { params: { bucketInfo: { bucket } } } =
await dp.Storage.onceStorageBucketCreatedOrUpdated(
e => e.params.bucketInfo.bucket.name === bucketName);
return bucket;
await dp.Storage.trackCacheStorageForStorageKey({ storageKey });
testRunner.log(`Open cache, add item`);
// Create cache and add an item.
const addResult = await session.evaluateAsync(`
(async function() {
try {
const cache = await ${bucket}.caches.open("test-cache");
await cache.add('/inspector-protocol/resources/empty.html');
return 'cache item added successfully';
} catch (err) {
return err;
const storageBucket = await bucketPromise;
testRunner.log(`\nRequest cache names for '${bucketName ?? 'default'}' storage bucket`);
const requestCacheNamesPromise =
dp.CacheStorage.requestCacheNames({ storageBucket });
const caches = (await requestCacheNamesPromise).result.caches;
`${caches.length} cache with name: ${caches[0].cacheName}\n`);
const { dp, session } = await testRunner.startBlank(
`Tests that requesting cache names for storage buckets works correctly\n`);
await dp.Page.enable();
await testBucket();
await testBucket('test-bucket');