(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
testRunner.log('Tests auto-attach to FLEDGE worklets.');
const bp = testRunner.browserP();
const urlForSession = new Map();
function handleUrn(input) {
if (typeof input === 'string' && input.startsWith('urn:uuid:'))
return 'urn:uuid:(randomized)';
return input;
function normalizeTitle(input) {
// There is some flakiness with titles of about:blank frame targets
// sometimes being '' and sometimes 'about:blank'.
if (input === 'about:blank')
return '';
return input;
let detachedBidderWorklets = 0;
let resolveWaitForSecondBidderWorkletDetachedPromise;
const waitForSecondBidderWorkletDetachedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
resolveWaitForSecondBidderWorkletDetachedPromise = resolve;
bp.Target.onAttachedToTarget(event => {
const params = event.params;
`Attached to ${params.targetInfo.type} target: ${params.targetInfo.url}
(title: ${normalizeTitle(params.targetInfo.title)})
(waiting: ${params.waitingForDebugger})`);
urlForSession.set(params.sessionId, params.targetInfo.url);
bp.Target.onDetachedFromTarget(event => {
let url = urlForSession.get(event.params.sessionId);
testRunner.log('Detached: ' + url);
if (url.endsWith("fledge_bidding_logic.js.php")) {
if (detachedBidderWorklets == 2)
const base = 'https://a.test:8443/inspector-protocol/resources/'
const auctionJs = `
decisionLogicURL: "${base}fledge_decision_logic.js.php",
seller: "https://a.test:8443",
interestGroupBuyers: ["https://a.test:8443"]})`;
const page1 = await testRunner.createPage({url: base + 'fledge_join.html'});
const page1_session = await page1.createSession();
// Run auction w/o auto-attach.
const winner1 = await page1_session.evaluateAsync(auctionJs);
testRunner.log('Auction winner:' + handleUrn(winner1));
// Ask to auto-attach related before re-running the auction. Use another page to
// avoid reporting events that happen after the auction completes.
const page2 = await testRunner.createPage({url: base + 'fledge_join.html'});
const page2_session = await page2.createSession();
await bp.Target.autoAttachRelated(
{targetId: page2.targetId(), waitForDebuggerOnStart: false});
const winner2 = await page2_session.evaluateAsync(auctionJs);
// If FLEDGE is enabled, need to wait for post-auction scripts to run, to
// ensure a consistent number of FLEDGE scripts have been invoked.
if (detachedBidderWorklets > 0)
await waitForSecondBidderWorkletDetachedPromise;
testRunner.log('Auction winner:' + handleUrn(winner2));