(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const base = 'https://a.test:8443/inspector-protocol/resources/'
const bp = testRunner.browserP();
const {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startBlank(
'Tracing of FLEDGE worklets in subframes.',
{url: base + 'fledge_join.html?40'});
const TracingHelper =
await testRunner.loadScript('../resources/tracing-test.js');
const tracingHelper = new TracingHelper(testRunner, session);
await tracingHelper.startTracing('fledge');
function handleUrn(input) {
if (typeof input === 'string' && input.startsWith('urn:uuid:'))
return 'urn:uuid:(randomized)';
return input;
const createChildFrame = function(url) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const frame = document.createElement(`iframe`);
frame.id = 'frame';
frame.src = url;
frame.addEventListener('load', resolve);
// Navigate away to a cross-site context compared to the eventual frame,
// now the join has completed.
await page.navigate(
// Enable auto-attach so we can talk to the frame's target easily.
await dp.Target.setAutoAttach(
{autoAttach: true, waitForDebuggerOnStart: false, flatten: true});
const auctionJs = `
decisionLogicURL: "${base}fledge_decision_logic.js.php",
seller: "https://a.test:8443",
interestGroupBuyers: ["https://a.test:8443"]})`;
const makeFrameJS = `
(${createChildFrame.toString()})('${base + 'iframe.html'}')
const frameTargetPromise = dp.Target.onceAttachedToTarget();
await session.evaluateAsync(makeFrameJS);
const frameTarget = await frameTargetPromise;
const frameSession = session.createChild(frameTarget.params.sessionId);
// Enable auto-attach for the frame, so we attach to auction worklet.
{autoAttach: true, waitForDebuggerOnStart: false, flatten: true});
const winner = await frameSession.evaluateAsync(auctionJs);
testRunner.log('Auction winner:' + handleUrn(winner));
const devtoolsEvents = await tracingHelper.stopTracing(/fledge/);
var sawBidders = 0;
var sawSellers = 0;
for (ev of devtoolsEvents) {
if (ev.name === 'generate_bid')
if (ev.name === 'score_ad')
if (sawBidders >= 30) {
testRunner.log('Saw enough bidders');
} else {
testRunner.log('Saw too few bidders:' + sawBidders);
if (sawSellers >= 30) {
testRunner.log('Saw enough sellers');
} else {
testRunner.log('Saw too few sellers:' + sawSellers);