(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
const {page, session, dp} =
await testRunner.startURL(
"Check that the WebAuthn virtual authenticator supports all algorithms");
// Create a CTAP2 authenticator.
await dp.WebAuthn.enable();
const authenticatorId = (await dp.WebAuthn.addVirtualAuthenticator({
options: {
protocol: "ctap2",
transport: "usb",
hasResidentKey: false,
hasUserVerification: false,
let evaluateAlgorithm = async algo => {
let result = await session.evaluateAsync(`registerCredential({
pubKeyCredParams: [{type: "public-key", alg: ${algo}}]
testRunner.log(`Algorithm: ${algo}`);
testRunner.log(`Result: ${result.status === 'OK' ? 'OK' : 'Error'}`);
const supportedAlgorithms = [-7, -8, -257];
testRunner.log("Supported algorithms:");
for (const algo of supportedAlgorithms) {
await evaluateAlgorithm(algo);
testRunner.log("\nInvalid algorithm:");
const invalidAlgorithmForTesting = 146919568;
await evaluateAlgorithm(invalidAlgorithmForTesting);