
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Subresource loading using relative URLs in the 'resources' attribute with a base element</title>
<base href="../resources/">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

  <script type="webbundle">
      "source": "wbn/hello.wbn",
      "resources": ["/loading/wbn/resources/hello/script.js"]
  <script id="script" src="/loading/wbn/resources/hello/script.js"></script>

    // When preload scanner encounters a <script type="webbundle"> element, it must not
    // preload a request for the webbundle itself and any subresources mentioned in the
    // 'resources' attribute.
    // This test loads a simple hello.wbn bundle and script.js served from the bundle,
    // and checks that both hello.wbn and script.js were not preloaded.
    const onLoadPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
      window.addEventListener('load', resolve, false);

    promise_test(async () => {
      await onLoadPromise;

      if (window.internals) {
        assert_equals(script_result, 'loaded from webbundle');
    }, "A subresource script.js should be loaded from WebBundle using the relative URL and a base element.");