<title>Test timeline work properly when playing live video.</title>
<script src="/w3c/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/w3c/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="media-source/mediasource-util.js"></script>
<script src="../../media-resources/media-controls.js"></script>
<video controls></video>
const epsilon = 0.2;
const pause_delay = 1; // 1 second.
mediasource_testafterdataloaded(function(test, mediaElement, mediaSource, segmentInfo, sourceBuffer, mediaData){
// Append all media data for complete playback.
test.expectEvent(sourceBuffer, 'updateend', 'sourceBuffer end update.');
test.expectEvent(mediaElement, 'loadedmetadata', 'Reached HAVE_METADATA');
test.expectEvent(mediaElement, 'playing', 'Playing media.');
let timeline = timelineElement(mediaElement);
var playPromise = mediaElement.play();
assert_true(playPromise !== undefined, "Video element |play| method did not return a promise");
playPromise.then(_ => {
mediaSource.duration = +Infinity;
test.waitForExpectedEvents(function() {
test.waitForCurrentTimeChange(mediaElement, function() {
assert_approx_equals(Number(timeline.value), Number(timeline.max),
epsilon, "timline thumb should be near the end");
mediaElement.onpause = test.step_func(function() {
// Timeline value should be at least 1s away from end at some point
// after paused.
function waitForTimeline() {
if (Number(timeline.max) - Number(timeline.value) >= pause_delay) {
test.step_timeout(waitForTimeline, 1000);
}).catch(err => {
// No autoplay, are you running the webtests?
assert_false(true, "autoplay policy is disabling this test");
}, "Timeline work properly when playing live video", {
"enable_controls": true