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// NOTE: These tests should not be upstreamed with WPT.
// The following tests cover Chrome-specific QuotaExceededError behavior. The spec allows
// UAs flexibility for when to throw this exception.
mediasource_testafterdataloaded(function(test, mediaElement, mediaSource, segmentInfo, sourceBuffer, mediaData)
test.expectEvent(sourceBuffer, "updateend");
function() { mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(MediaSourceUtil.AUDIO_VIDEO_TYPE); },
"addSourceBuffer must throw an exception if the MediaSource has already received init segments for all sourcebuffers added at the time");
}, "Test addSourceBuffer() throws QuotaExceededError after MediaSource has completed init.");
mediasource_testafterdataloaded(function(test, mediaElement, mediaSource, segmentInfo, sourceBuffer, mediaData)
var initSegment = MediaSourceUtil.extractSegmentData(mediaData, segmentInfo.init);
test.expectEvent(sourceBuffer, "updateend");
// Append incomplete init segment to the first SourceBuffer.
sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(initSegment.slice(0, initSegment.length - 1));
// We have not added a full init segment for the first SourceBuffer yet, so MediaSource init is not yet
// finished and we should be able to add/remove one more SourceBuffer.
var sourceBuffer2 = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(MediaSourceUtil.AUDIO_VIDEO_TYPE);
// Now append the rest of the init segment, this should complete the initialization of the MediaSource.
test.expectEvent(sourceBuffer, "updateend");
test.expectEvent(mediaElement, "loadedmetadata", "mediaElement metadata.");
sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(initSegment.slice(initSegment.length - 1));
// MediaSource is fully initialized now, so adding new SourceBuffers is no longer possible.
assert_equals(mediaElement.readyState, HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_METADATA);
function() { mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(MediaSourceUtil.AUDIO_VIDEO_TYPE); },
"addSourceBuffer must throw an exception if the media element has already reached HAVE_METADATA");
}, "Test addSourceBuffer() succeeds while incomplete init segment is appended, fails after MediaSource init completed.");