<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tests that GC preserves all of attached HTMLMediaElement+MSE when only part of that has a live reference.</title>
<script src="/w3c/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/w3c/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
function TestScope() {
this.video = null;
this.media_source = null;
this.object_url = null;
this.source_buffer_list = null;
this.expect_durationchange = false;
this.expect_sourceclose = false;
this.received_sourceclose = false;
this.expect_error = false;
this.received_error = false;
function setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb) {
// |handler_setup_cb|, if not null, is synchronously called after
// test_scope is populated with HTMLME and MSE references, but prior to
// attaching HTMLME to MSE API.
// Next, attaches the HTMLME to the MediaSource object and sets a timeout to later
// call |setup_done_cb| so that hopefully any pending events or other work
// are complete before the main part of the test proceeds.
test_scope.video = document.createElement("video");
test_scope.media_source = new MediaSource();
test_scope.object_url = URL.createObjectURL(test_scope.media_source);
if (handler_setup_cb != null)
test_scope.media_source.onsourceopen = test.step_func(function() {
test_scope.media_source.onsourceopen = null;
setTimeout(setup_done_cb, 0);
test_scope.video.src = test_scope.object_url;
async_test(function(test) {
var test_scope = new TestScope();
var handler_setup_cb = null;
var setup_done_cb = test.step_func(function() {
test_scope.video = null;
// |test_scope.media_source| should be the only remaining reference to HTMLME+MSE.
// GC shouldn't collect HTMLME+MSE due to that live reference.
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open before gc().");
// Debug note: setting test_scope.media_source to null here, and commenting out the assert_equals()
// and test.done() lines, below, demonstrates with debug logging that HTMLME+MSE is collected, followed
// eventually by a timeout.
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open after gc().");
setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb)
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource preserves at least MediaSource when only the MediaSource reference is held by JS");
async_test(function(test) {
// This test builds on the previous test. It should fail if the previous test fails.
var test_scope = new TestScope();
var handler_setup_cb = test.step_func(function() {
test_scope.video.ondurationchange = test.step_func(function() {
assert_true(test_scope.expect_durationchange, "HTMLME durationchange event is expected only after changing MediaSource duration");
var setup_done_cb = test.step_func(function() {
test_scope.video = null;
// |test_scope.media_source| should be the only remaining reference to HTMLME+MSE.
// GC shouldn't collect HTMLME+MSE due to that live reference.
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open before gc().");
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open after gc().");
// Verify that HTMLME is still alive by changing the MediaSource object's duration, which causes
// a durationchange event to become queued for dispatch on the attached HTMLME (and such dispatch ends this
// test.)
// Debug note: commenting out the next line should result in test timeout.
test_scope.media_source.duration = 100;
test_scope.expect_durationchange = true;
setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb)
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource preserves at least MediaSource and HTMLME when only the MediaSource reference is held by JS");
async_test(function(test) {
// This test builds on the previous two tests. It should fail if either of the previous two tests fails.
var test_scope = new TestScope();
var handler_setup_cb = test.step_func(function() {
test_scope.video.ondurationchange = test.step_func(function(e) {
assert_true(test_scope.expect_durationchange, "HTMLME durationchange event is expected only after changing MediaSource duration");
assert_equals(e.target.custom_test_wrapper_update, "testing", "HTMLME wrapper, as adjusted by the test, should be retained");
var setup_done_cb = test.step_func(function() {
// Update the HTMLME JS wrapper with a custom property to be verified later.
test_scope.video.custom_test_wrapper_update = "testing";
test_scope.video = null;
// |test_scope.media_source| should be the only remaining reference to HTMLME+MSE.
// GC shouldn't collect HTMLME+MSE due to that live reference.
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open before gc().");
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open after gc().");
// Verify that HTMLME is still alive by changing the MediaSource object's duration, which causes
// a durationchange event to become queued for dispatch on the attached HTMLME (and such dispatch ends this
// test.)
// Debug note: commenting out the next line demonstrates with debug logging that HTMLME+MSE is collected,
// followed eventually by a timeout.
test_scope.media_source.duration = 100;
test_scope.expect_durationchange = true;
test_scope.media_source = null;
setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb)
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource preserves at least HTMLME and its wrapper when no references held by JS, but there is a pending HTMLME event");
async_test(function(test) {
var test_scope = new TestScope();
var handler_setup_cb = null;
var setup_done_cb = test.step_func(function() {
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open before gc().");
test_scope.media_source = null;
assert_equals(test_scope.video.src, test_scope.object_url, "HTMLME src attribute is correct before gc().");
// |test_scope.video| should be the only remaining reference to HTMLME+MSE.
// GC shouldn't collect HTMLME+MSE due to that live reference.
// Debug note: setting test_scope.video to null here, and commenting out the assert_equals()
// and test.done() lines, below, demonstrates with debug logging that HTMLME+MSE is collected, followed
// eventually by a timeout.
assert_equals(test_scope.video.src, test_scope.object_url, "HTMLME src attribute is correct after gc().");
setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb)
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource preserves at least HTMLME when only the HTMLME reference is held by JS");
async_test(function(test) {
// This test builds on the previous test. It should fail if the previous test fails.
var test_scope = new TestScope();
var handler_setup_cb = test.step_func(function() {
test_scope.media_source.onsourceclose = test.step_func(function() {
assert_true(test_scope.expect_sourceclose, "MediaSource sourceclose event is expected only after clearing HTMLME src attribute");
// Both HTMLME.onerror and MediaSource.onsourceclose are required to finish this test.
if (test_scope.received_error)
test_scope.received_sourceclose = true;
test_scope.expect_sourceclose = false; // Only one sourceclose is expected.
test_scope.video.onerror = test.step_func(function() {
assert_true(test_scope.expect_error, "HTMLME error event is expected only after clearing HTMLME src attribute");
// Both HTMLME.onerror and MediaSource.onsourceclose are required to finish this test.
if (test_scope.received_sourceclose)
test_scope.received_error = true;
test_scope.expect_error = false; // Only one error is expected.
var setup_done_cb = test.step_func(function() {
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open before gc().");
test_scope.media_source = null;
assert_equals(test_scope.video.src, test_scope.object_url, "HTMLME src attribute is correct before gc().");
// |test_scope.video| should be the only remaining reference to HTMLME+MSE.
// GC shouldn't collect HTMLME+MSE due to that live reference.
assert_equals(test_scope.video.src, test_scope.object_url, "HTMLME src attribute is correct after gc().");
// Verify that MediaSource is still alive by clearing the HTMLME object's src attribute, which causes a
// sourceclose event to become queued for dispatch on the previously attached MediaSource and an error
// event to become queued for dispatch on the HTMLME object (and such dispatches end this test.)
// Debug note: commenting out the next line should result in test timeout.
test_scope.video.src = "";
test_scope.expect_sourceclose = true;
test_scope.expect_error = true;
setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb)
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource preserves at least MediaSource and HTMLME when only the HTMLME reference is held by JS");
async_test(function(test) {
// This test builds on the previous two tests. It should fail if either of the previous two tests fails.
var test_scope = new TestScope();
var handler_setup_cb = test.step_func(function() {
test_scope.media_source.onsourceclose = test.step_func(function(e) {
assert_true(test_scope.expect_sourceclose, "MediaSource sourceclose event is expected only after clearing HTMLME src attribute");
assert_equals(e.target.custom_test_wrapper_update, "testing-mediasource", "MediaSource wrapper, as adjusted by the test, should be retained");
// Both HTMLME.onerror and MediaSource.onsourceclose are required to finish this test.
if (test_scope.received_error)
test_scope.received_sourceclose = true;
test_scope.expect_sourceclose = false; // Only one sourceclose is expected.
test_scope.video.onerror = test.step_func(function(e) {
assert_true(test_scope.expect_error, "HTMLME error event is expected only after clearing HTMLME src attribute");
assert_equals(e.target.custom_test_wrapper_update, "testing-htmlme", "HTMLME wrapper, as adjusted by the test, should be retained");
// Both HTMLME.onerror and MediaSource.onsourceclose are required to finish this test.
if (test_scope.received_sourceclose)
test_scope.received_error = true;
test_scope.expect_error = false; // Only one error is expected.
var setup_done_cb = test.step_func(function() {
// Update the HTMLME and MediaSource JS wrappers with custom properties to be verified later.
test_scope.video.custom_test_wrapper_update = "testing-htmlme";
test_scope.media_source.custom_test_wrapper_update = "testing-mediasource";
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open before gc().");
test_scope.media_source = null;
assert_equals(test_scope.video.src, test_scope.object_url, "HTMLME src attribute is correct before gc().");
// |test_scope.video| should be the only remaining reference to HTMLME+MSE.
// GC shouldn't collect HTMLME+MSE due to that live reference.
assert_equals(test_scope.video.src, test_scope.object_url, "HTMLME src attribute is correct after gc().");
// Verify that MediaSource is still alive by clearing the HTMLME object's src attribute, which causes a
// sourceclose event to become queued for dispatch on the previously attached MediaSource and an error
// event to become queued for dispatch on the HTMLME object (and such dispatches end this test.)
// Debug note: commenting out the next line demonstrates with debug logging that HTMLME+MSE is collected,
// followed eventually by a timeout.
test_scope.video.src = "";
test_scope.expect_sourceclose = true;
test_scope.expect_error = true;
test_scope.video = null;
setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb)
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource preserves at least MediaSource and HTMLME and their wrappers when no references held by JS, but there is a pending event on each of HTMLME and MediaSource");
async_test(function(test) {
var test_scope = new TestScope();
var handler_setup_cb = null;
var setup_done_cb = test.step_func(function() {
var source_buffer = test_scope.media_source.addSourceBuffer('video/webm; codecs="vp8"');
test_scope.source_buffer_list = test_scope.media_source.sourceBuffers;
source_buffer.custom_test_wrapper_update = "testing-sourcebuffer";
assert_true(source_buffer === test_scope.source_buffer_list[0]);
assert_equals(test_scope.media_source.readyState, "open", "MediaSource object is open before gc().");
assert_equals(test_scope.video.src, test_scope.object_url, "HTMLME src attribute is correct before gc().");
source_buffer = null;
test_scope.media_source = null;
test_scope.video = null;
// |test_scope.source_buffer_list| should be the only remaining reference to HTMLME+MSE+SBL+SB.
// GC shouldn't collected this group due to that live reference.
// Debug note: setting test_scope.source_buffer_list to null here, and commenting out the assert_equals()
// and test.done() lines, below, demonstrates with debug logging that HTMLME+MSE is collected, followed
// eventually by a timeout.
assert_equals(test_scope.source_buffer_list.length, 1, "SBL should survive gc().");
assert_equals(test_scope.source_buffer_list[0].custom_test_wrapper_update, "testing-sourcebuffer", "SBL[0]'s wrapper should survive gc().");
setup_htmlme_mse_lifetime_test(test, test_scope, handler_setup_cb, setup_done_cb)
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource+SBL+SB preserves at least SBL+SB when only the SourceBufferList reference is held by JS");
// TODO(wolenetz): Consider further refactoring to extract specific testing concerns from the following test:
async_test(function(test) {
var video = document.createElement("video");
var media_source = new MediaSource();
var object_url = URL.createObjectURL(media_source);
var malformed_media_append_started = false;
video.onerror = test.step_func(function() {
assert_true(malformed_media_append_started, "error should occur after append of malformed media bytestream started");
media_source.onsourceopen = test.step_func(function() {
var source_buffer = media_source.addSourceBuffer('video/webm; codecs="vp8"');
var source_buffer_list = media_source.sourceBuffers;
assert_true(source_buffer === source_buffer_list[0]);
source_buffer = null;
media_source = null;
video = null;
// source_buffer_list's reference by us is the only thing keeping HTMLME+MSE alive.
setTimeout(test.step_func(function() {
source_buffer_list[0].onupdatestart = test.step_func(function() { malformed_media_append_started = true; });
// Begin asynchronous append of a malformed media bytestream which
// should result eventually with HTMLME error event firing due to the MSE
// Append Error Algorithm.
source_buffer_list[0].appendBuffer(new Uint8Array(10));
// There should be a pending updatestart event on the SourceBuffer, so even if we drop the reference
// to the SourceBufferList here, gc() still shouldn't collect HTMLME+MSE due to pending event dispatch
// on MSE. This is verified by HTMLME eventually handling an error event due to the asynchronous append
// of malformed media.
source_buffer_list = null;
}), 0);
video.src = object_url;
// Debugging notes: If this test times out, it's likely due to failure in
// keeping HTMLME+MSE alive and pending event dispatch on their wrappers alive
// through gc(); either gc() over-collected HTMLME+MSE or event dispatch was
// perturbed by gc().
// If the assert in video.onerror fails, it is self-explanatory.
}, "GC of HTMLME+MediaSource+SBL+SB preserves all when only SourceBufferList reference is alive, then SourceBuffer.onupdatestart and HTMLME.onerror are dispatched if they became pending during the asynchronous buffer append algorithm, of malformed bytestream, after all HTMLME+MSE references dropped");