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                var originalTrackDefaults = [
                    // Same everything, but different byteStreamTrackID, should be allowed by the constructor.
                    new TrackDefault("audio", "en-US", "label", ["main"], ""),
                    new TrackDefault("audio", "en-US", "label", ["main"], "1"),
                    new TrackDefault("audio", "en-US", "label", ["main"], "2"),
                    new TrackDefault("audio", "en-US", "label", [""], "3"),

                    // Same everything, but different type, should be allowed by the constructor.
                    new TrackDefault("video", "en-US", "label", ["main"], ""),
                    new TrackDefault("video", "en-US", "label", ["main"], "1"),
                    new TrackDefault("video", "en-US", "label", ["main"], "2"),
                    new TrackDefault("video", "en-US", "label", [""], "3")

                // Get a new array containing the same objects as |originalTrackDefaults|.
                var trackDefaults = originalTrackDefaults.slice();

                var trackDefaultList = new TrackDefaultList(trackDefaults);
                assert_array_equals(trackDefaultList, originalTrackDefaults, "construction and read-back succeeded");
                assert_equals(trackDefaultList[trackDefaultList.length], undefined, "out of range indexed property getter result is undefined");
                assert_equals(trackDefaultList[trackDefaultList.length + 1], undefined, "out of range indexed property getter result is undefined");

                // Introduce same-type, same-empty-string-byteStreamTrackId conflict in trackDefaults[0 vs 4].
                trackDefaults[4] = new TrackDefault("audio", "en-US", "label", ["main"], "");
                assert_equals(trackDefaults[0].type, trackDefaults[4].type, "same-type conflict setup");
                assert_equals(trackDefaults[0].byteStreamTrackID, trackDefaults[4].byteStreamTrackID, "same-byteStreamTrackID conflict setup");
                    function() { new TrackDefaultList(trackDefaults); },
                    "TrackDefaultList construction should throw exception due to same type and byteStreamTrackID across at least 2 items in trackDefaults");

                // Introduce same-type, same-non-empty-string-byteStreamTrackId conflict in trackDefaults[4 vs 5].
                trackDefaults[4] = new TrackDefault("video", "en-US", "label", ["main"], "1");
                assert_equals(trackDefaults[4].type, trackDefaults[5].type, "same-type conflict setup");
                assert_equals(trackDefaults[4].byteStreamTrackID, trackDefaults[5].byteStreamTrackID, "same-byteStreamTrackID conflict setup");
                    function() { new TrackDefaultList(trackDefaults); },
                    "TrackDefaultList construction should throw exception due to same type and byteStreamTrackID across at least 2 items in trackDefaults");

                // Confirm the constructed TrackDefaultList makes a shallow copy of the supplied TrackDefault sequence.
                assert_array_equals(trackDefaultList, originalTrackDefaults, "read-back of original trackDefaultList unchanged");

            }, "Test track default list construction, length, and indexed property getter");

                var trackDefaultList = new TrackDefaultList();
                assert_array_equals(trackDefaultList, [], "empty list constructable without supplying optional trackDefaults parameter");

                trackDefaultList = new TrackDefaultList([]);
                assert_array_equals(trackDefaultList, [], "empty list constructable by supplying empty sequence as optional trackDefaults parameter");
            }, "Test empty track default list construction with and without optional trackDefaults parameter");
