#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use CGI;
use File::stat;
use constant CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES => 1024;
my $query = new CGI;
my $name = $query->param('name');
my $filesize = stat($name)->size;
# Get throttling rate, assuming parameter is in kilobytes per second.
my $kbPerSec = $query->param('throttle');
my $chunkPerSec = $kbPerSec * 1024 / CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES;
# Get limit at which to stop throttling, assuming parameter is in bytes.
my $limit = $query->param('limit') || 0;
# Get MIME type if provided. Default to video/mp4.
my $type = $query->param('type') || "video/mp4";
my $nph = $query->param('nph') || 0;
my $contentRange = $ENV{'HTTP_RANGE'};
my $rangeEnd = $filesize - 1;
my @parsedRange = (0, $rangeEnd);
if ($nph) {
# Handle HTTP Range requests.
my $httpContentRange;
my $httpStatus;
if ($contentRange) {
my @values = split('=', $contentRange);
my $rangeType = $values[0];
@parsedRange = split("-", $values[1]);
if (!$parsedRange[1]) {
$parsedRange[1] = $rangeEnd;
$httpStatus = "206 Partial Content";
$httpContentRange = "bytes " . $parsedRange[0] . "-" . $parsedRange[1] . "/" . $filesize;
} else {
$httpStatus = "200 OK";
print "Status: " . $httpStatus . "\n";
print "Connection: close\n";
print "Content-Length: " . $filesize . "\n";
print "Content-Type: " . $type . "\n";
print "Accept-Ranges: bytes\n";
if ($httpContentRange) {
print "Content-Range: " . $httpContentRange . "\n";
} else {
# Print HTTP Header, disabling cache.
print "Cache-Control: no-cache\n";
print "Content-Length: " . $filesize . "\n";
print "Content-Type: " . $type . "\n";
print "\n";
open FILE, $name or die;
binmode FILE;
my ($data, $n);
my $total = 0;
seek(FILE, $parsedRange[0], 0);
while (($n = read FILE, $data, 1024) != 0) {
print $data;
$total += $n;
if (($total >= $filesize) || ($total > $parsedRange[1])) {
# Throttle if there is some.
if ($chunkPerSec > 0) {
if ($limit == 0 || $total < $limit) {
select(undef, undef, undef, 1.0 / $chunkPerSec);