<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>MediaMetadata / MediaSession link Mojo Test</title>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import {MediaSessionServiceMock} from './resources/mediasessionservice-mock.js';
import {assert_metadata_equals} from './resources/utils.js';
async_test(t => {
// The following are expected results.
var results = [
new MediaMetadata({}),
new MediaMetadata({
title: 'new title',
new MediaMetadata({
title: 'other',
new MediaMetadata({
title: 'the right change',
var resultId = 0;
const m = new MediaSessionServiceMock();
m.setMetadataCallback(t.step_func(receivedMetadata => {
assert_metadata_equals(receivedMetadata, results[resultId]);
if (results.length == resultId)
// Setting the metadata property will update the mojo service.
var currentMetadata = new MediaMetadata({});
window.navigator.mediaSession.metadata = currentMetadata;
// `currentMetadata` is still associated to MediaSession.
currentMetadata.title = 'new title';
// De-associate them.
setTimeout(_ => {
// This change will trigger an asynchronous request for an update. It is
// Followed by another change that will prevent the former to work.
currentMetadata.title = 'should not be received';
var otherMetadata = new MediaMetadata({ title: 'other' });
window.navigator.mediaSession.metadata = otherMetadata;
// `currentMetadata` is no longer linked with the session so changes
// should have no effect.
currentMetadata.title = 'another attempt';
// This one will be received.
otherMetadata.title = 'the right change';
}, "test that MediaMetadata is correctly propagated twice");