// Tests that the notification available after the given operation is executed
// accurately reflects the data attributes of several types with which the
// notification was created in the document.
function runNotificationDataReflectionTest(test, notificationOperation) {
var scope = 'resources/scope/' + location.pathname,
script = 'instrumentation-service-worker.js';
// Set notification's data of several types to a structured clone of options's data.
var notificationDataList = new Array(
true, // Check Boolean type
1024, // Check Number type
Number.NaN, // Check Number.NaN type
'any data', // Check String type
null, // Check null
new Array('Saab', 'Volvo', 'BMW'), // Check Array type
{ first: 'first', second: 'second' } // Check object
PermissionsHelper.setPermission('notifications', 'granted').then(function() {
getActiveServiceWorkerWithMessagePort(test, script, scope).then(function(workerInfo) {
// (1) Tell the Service Worker to display a Web Notification.
var assertNotificationDataReflects = function(pos) {
command: 'show',
title: scope,
options: {
title: scope,
tag: pos,
data: notificationDataList[pos]
workerInfo.port.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
if (typeof event.data != 'object' || !event.data.command) {
assert_unreached('Invalid message from the Service Worker.');
// (2) Listen for confirmation from the Service Worker that the
// notification's display promise has been resolved.
if (event.data.command == 'show') {
assert_true(event.data.success, 'The notification must have been displayed.');
// (3) Listen for confirmation from the Service Worker that the
// notification has been closed. Make sure that all properties
// set on the Notification object are as expected.
assert_equals(event.data.command, notificationOperation.name, 'Notification was expected to receive different operation');
var pos = event.data.notification.tag;
if (typeof notificationDataList[pos] === 'object' && notificationDataList[pos] !== null)
assert_object_equals(event.data.notification.data, notificationDataList[pos], 'The data field must be the same.');
assert_equals(event.data.notification.data, notificationDataList[pos], 'The data field must be the same.');
if (++pos < notificationDataList.length)