
<!doctype html>
    <title>Notifications: the fetch handler handles the request for the icon.</title>
    <script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
    <script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
    <script src="../serviceworker/resources/test-helpers.js"></script>
    <script src="resources/test-helpers.js"></script>
      // Tests that the request for the notification icon is handled by the fetch event handler for
      // a persistent notification shown by the service worker.
      promise_test(test => {
          var scope = './';
          var script = 'instrumentation-service-worker.js';
          var port;
          var iconPath = '/resources/square20.png';

          testRunner.setPermission('notifications', 'granted', location.origin, location.origin);

          return getActiveServiceWorkerWithMessagePort(test, script, scope).then(info => {
              port = info.port;
              assert_true(!!navigator.serviceWorker.controller, 'The page must be controlled.');
              // (1) Display a persistent notification from a service worker context.
              return sendCommand(port, {
                  command: 'show',
                  title: 'Title',
                  options: { icon: iconPath }
          }).then(data => {
              return sendCommand(port, { command: 'get-fetch-history' });
          }).then(data => {
              // (2) Verify that the icon request passed through the fetch event handler.
              // TODO(mvanouwerkerk): The fetch should go through the worker -
              assert_equals(data.fetchHistory.length, 0);
      }, 'The request for the notification icon is handled by the fetch event handler.');