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<title>Triggers: The Trigger objects exposes the expected properties.</title>
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// Tests that the TimestampTrigger object exposes the properties per the
// semantics defined by the specification.
test(function () {
const timestamp = Date.now();
const trigger = new TimestampTrigger(timestamp);
// timestamp property gets initialized in constructor
assert_equals(trigger.timestamp, timestamp);
// timestap property is readonly
trigger.timestamp = 42;
assert_equals(trigger.timestamp, timestamp);
// timestamp is required in constructor
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new TimestampTrigger());
// invalid timestamps get set to 0
assert_equals((new TimestampTrigger('fail')).timestamp, 0);
// can use date objects as timestamp
const date = new Date();
assert_equals((new TimestampTrigger(date)).timestamp, date.valueOf());
}, 'Checks the properties exposed on the TimestampTrigger object.');