<script src=resources/common.js></script>
<script src=../resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=../resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
const tests = [
// Dynamically-inserted <script> tests.
{test: async_test('high fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted <script>s translates to kHigh resource load priority'), fetchPriority: 'high', expected_priority: kHigh},
{test: async_test('low fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'), fetchPriority: 'low', expected_priority: kLow},
{test: async_test('auto fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'), fetchPriority: 'auto', expected_priority: kLow},
{test: async_test('invalid fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'), fetchPriority: 'xyz', expected_priority: kLow},
{test: async_test('missing fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'), expected_priority: kLow},
// Dynamically-inserted <script type=module> tests.
{test: async_test('high fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted module <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'),
fetchPriority: 'high', module: true, expected_priority: kHigh},
// This test below actually fails because ResourceFetcher currently does
// not make it easy to down-prioritize ResourceRequests whose priority is
// pre-set, and module scripts have their priority set to kHigh before they
// reach ResourceFetcher. This is related to crbug.com/882344.
{test: async_test('low fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted module <script>s translates to kLow resource load priority'),
fetchPriority: 'low', module: true, expected_priority: kLow},
{test: async_test('auto fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted module <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'),
fetchPriority: 'auto', module: true, expected_priority: kHigh},
{test: async_test('invalid fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted module <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'),
fetchPriority: 'xyz', module: true, expected_priority: kHigh},
{test: async_test('missing fetchPriority on dynamically-inserted module <script>s has no effect on resource load priority'),
module: true, expected_priority: kHigh}
let iteration = 0;
for (const test of tests) {
const script = document.createElement('script');
if (test.fetchPriority) script.fetchPriority = test.fetchPriority;
if (test.module) script.type = "module";
script.src = `../resources/dummy.js?${iteration++}`;
script.onload = assert_priority_onload(script.src, test.expected_priority, test.test);