function createPushMessageData(data)
// The PushMessageData object does not expose a constructor, but we can get an object
// initialized with our data by constructing a PushEvent.
return new PushEvent('PushEvent', { data: data }).data;
test(function() {
const textContents = 'Hello, world!';
var runTest = pushEvent => {
assert_not_equals(, null);
assert_equals(, textContents);
// JavaScript strings are UTF-16, whereas binary data for push message data will be
// encoded as UTF-8. Convert accordingly.
var bufferView = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(textContents);
runTest(new PushEvent('PushEvent', { data: bufferView }));
runTest(new PushEvent('PushEvent', { data: bufferView.buffer }));
runTest(new PushEvent('PushEvent', { data: textContents }));
}, 'PushEvent can be initialized from ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView and USVStrings.');
test(function() {
assert_equals(createPushMessageData(undefined), null);
}, 'PushMessageData is null by default.');
test(function() {
const binaryContents = [1, 2, 3];
const textContents = 'FOOBAR';
var pushMessageDataBinary = createPushMessageData(new Uint8Array(binaryContents)),
pushMessageDataString = createPushMessageData(textContents);
var binaryBuffer = pushMessageDataBinary.arrayBuffer(),
binaryBufferView = new Uint8Array(binaryBuffer);
assert_equals(binaryBuffer.byteLength, binaryContents.length);
assert_array_equals(binaryBufferView, binaryContents);
var stringBuffer = pushMessageDataString.arrayBuffer(),
stringBufferView = new Int8Array(stringBuffer);
assert_equals(stringBufferView.length, textContents.length);
assert_equals(stringBufferView[0], 70 /* F */);
assert_equals(stringBufferView[3], 66 /* B */);
}, 'PushMessageData handling of ArrayBuffer content.');
async_test(function(test) {
const textContents = 'Hello, world!';
var pushMessageData = createPushMessageData(textContents);
var blob = pushMessageData.blob(),
reader = new FileReader();
assert_equals(blob.size, textContents.length);
assert_equals(blob.type, '');
reader.addEventListener('load', () => {
assert_equals(reader.result, textContents);
}, 'PushMessageData handling of Blob content.')
test(function() {
var pushMessageDataArray = createPushMessageData('[5, 6, 7]'),
pushMessageDataObject = createPushMessageData('{ "foo": { "bar": 42 } }'),
pushMessageDataString = createPushMessageData('"foobar"');
var array = pushMessageDataArray.json();
assert_equals(array.length, 3);
assert_equals(array[1], 6);
var object = pushMessageDataObject.json();
assert_equals(, 42);
var string = pushMessageDataString.json();
assert_equals(string, 'foobar');
}, 'PushMessageData handling of valid JSON content.');
test(function() {
// Note that we do not care about the exception code - it's pass through.
assert_throws_js(SyntaxError, () => createPushMessageData('\\o/').json());
}, 'PushMessageData handling of invalid JSON content.');
test(function() {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new PushMessageData());
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new PushMessageData('Hello, world!'));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new PushMessageData(new ArrayBuffer(8)));
}, 'PushMessageData should not be constructable.');
test(function() {
var s = "e\u0328"; // 'e' + COMBINING OGONEK
var data = createPushMessageData(s);
assert_equals(data.text(), s, 'String should not be NFC-normalized.');
}, 'PushEventInit data is not normalized');
if (self.SharedArrayBuffer) {
test(function() {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
createPushMessageData(new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(16)));
}, 'PushMessageData throws when passed SharedArrayBuffer view.');