"use strict";
// Subscribes and unsubscribes to push once so that the manifest details are
// stored in service worker storage. After this, subscribe can succeed from
// inside the service worker. This triggers an infobar unless a permission
// decision was previously set.
function subscribeAndUnsubscribePush(registration) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// 1. Call subscribe in document context. The manifest details are stored
// in the service worker storage for later use in a service worker context
// where there is no manifest.
registration.pushManager.subscribe({ userVisibleOnly: true }).then(function(subscription) {
// 2. Call unsubscribe so we can subscribe again later inside a
// service worker.
return subscription.unsubscribe();
.then(function(unsubscription_result) {
.catch(function(e) {
// Registers a service worker and subscribes to push using the given string
// as an applicationServerKey.
function registerAndSubscribePushWithString(test, serverKeyString) {
return registerAndSubscribePush(test,
new TextEncoder().encode(serverKeyString));
// Registers a service worker and subscribes to push using the given base64url string
// as an applicationServerKey.
function registerAndSubscribePushWithBase64urlString(test, serverKeyString) {
return registerAndSubscribePush(test, serverKeyString);
// Subscribes to push with the given application server key. serverKey should be
// a Uint8Array.
function registerAndSubscribePush(test, serverKey) {
const workerUrl = 'resources/empty_worker.js';
const workerScope = 'resources/scope/' + location.pathname;
let swRegistration;
return service_worker_unregister_and_register(test, workerUrl, workerScope)
.then(function(serviceWorkerRegistration) {
swRegistration = serviceWorkerRegistration;
return wait_for_state(test, swRegistration.installing, 'activated');
.then(function() {
if (window.testRunner) {
testRunner.setPermission('push-messaging', 'granted', location.origin,
return swRegistration.pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: serverKey
// Runs |command| in the service worker connected to |port|. Returns a promise
// that will be resolved with the response data of the command.
function runCommandInServiceWorker(port, command) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
port.addEventListener('message', function listener(event) {
// To make this listener a oneshot, remove it the first time it runs.
port.removeEventListener('message', listener);
if (typeof event.data != 'object' || !event.data.command)
assert_unreached('Invalid message from the service worker');
assert_equals(event.data.command, command);
if (event.data.success)
reject(new Error(event.data.errorMessage));
port.postMessage({command: command});