function runTest() {
if (!window.testRunner || !window.sessionStorage)
if (!window.targetScaleFactor)
window.targetScaleFactor = 2;
if (!sessionStorage.scaleFactorIsSet) {
testRunner.setBackingScaleFactor(targetScaleFactor, scaleFactorIsSet);
if (sessionStorage.pageReloaded && sessionStorage.scaleFactorIsSet) {
delete sessionStorage.pageReloaded;
delete sessionStorage.scaleFactorIsSet;
if (!window.manualNotifyDone) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
} else {
// Right now there is a bug that srcset does not properly deal with dynamic changes to the scale factor,
// so to work around that, we must reload the page to get the new image.
// At the time of the Document load event, there might be other
// ongoing tasks that can cause new images to be loaded. To evict
// those images, we delay evictAllResources() call a little.
setTimeout(function() {
sessionStorage.pageReloaded = true;
if (window.internals) {
}, 300);
function scaleFactorIsSet() {
sessionStorage.scaleFactorIsSet = true;
window.addEventListener("load", runTest, false);