<script src="../../js-test-resources/js-test.js"></script>
<p id="description"></p>
<div id="console"></div>
description("Tests access to event.dataTransfer.files and .types");
var dragTarget = document.createElement("div");
dragTarget.innerHTML = "Drag here"
dragTarget.style.backgroundColor = "blue";
dragTarget.style.width = "100px";
dragTarget.style.height = "100px";
// Important that we put this at the top of the doc so that logging does not cause it to go out of view (and be undragable)
document.body.insertBefore(dragTarget, document.body.firstChild);
var filesToDrag;
dragTarget.addEventListener("dragenter", function() {
debug("On dragenter:")
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy";
var shouldContainType = (filesToDrag.length > 0);
checkForEventTransferType(event, "Files", shouldContainType);
fileListShouldBe("event.dataTransfer.files", []);
}, false);
dragTarget.addEventListener("dragover", function() {
debug("On dragover:")
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy";
var shouldContainType = (filesToDrag.length > 0);
checkForEventTransferType(event, "Files", shouldContainType);
fileListShouldBe("event.dataTransfer.files", []);
}, false);
dragTarget.addEventListener("dragleave", function() {
debug("On dragleave:")
var shouldContainType = (filesToDrag.length > 0);
checkForEventTransferType(event, "Files", shouldContainType);
fileListShouldBe("event.dataTransfer.files", []);
}, false);
var expectedFilesOnDrop;
dragTarget.addEventListener("drop", function() {
debug("On drop:")
var shouldContainType = (filesToDrag.length > 0);
checkForEventTransferType(event, "Files", shouldContainType);
fileListShouldBe("event.dataTransfer.files", expectedFilesOnDrop);
}, false);
// Some tests don't end up dropping the draggee over the drag target. Catch any
// leftover drop events bubbling up through the tree so they don't cause page
// navigation.
document.body.addEventListener("dragover", function() {
document.body.addEventListener("drop", function() {
function moveMouseToCenterOfElement(element) {
var centerX = element.offsetLeft + element.offsetWidth / 2;
var centerY = element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight / 2;
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(centerX, centerY);
function moveMouseToOutsideOfElement(element) {
var outsideX = element.offsetLeft + element.offsetWidth + 42;
var outsideY = element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight + 42;
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(outsideX, outsideY);
function dragFilesOntoDragTarget(files, leave) {
filesToDrag = files;
if (leave && leave === true)
function checkForEventTransferType(event, typeString, shouldContainType)
var passedCheck;
var message;
if (event.dataTransfer.types && event.dataTransfer.types.indexOf(typeString) != -1) {
passedCheck = shouldContainType;
message = "event.dataTransfer.types contains " + typeString + ".";
} else {
passedCheck = !shouldContainType;
message = "event.dataTransfer.types does not contain " + typeString + ".";
if (passedCheck)
function fileListShouldBe(fileListString, filesArray)
shouldBe(fileListString + ".length", "" + filesArray.length);
for (var x = 0; x < filesArray.length; x++) {
var fileValueString = fileListString + "[" + x + "]";
shouldBeEqualToString(fileValueString + ".name", filesArray[x]['name']);
shouldBe(fileValueString + ".size", "" + filesArray[x]['size']);
function draggingPathsShouldResultInFiles(pathsArray, filesArray, leave)
expectedFilesOnDrop = filesArray;
dragFilesOntoDragTarget(pathsArray, leave || false);
function testDraggingFiles(filesArray, leave)
// We could make a way to parse the filename from the path, and then only need to pass
// the path in the filesArray.
var pathsOnly = filesArray.map(function(fileSpec) { return fileSpec['path']; });
draggingPathsShouldResultInFiles(pathsOnly, filesArray, leave || false);
function runTest()
debug("Dragging no files should return an empty file list (arbitrary implementation detail):");
debug("Drag drop a single (non-existant) file onto an element:");
{ 'path': 'DRTFakeFile', 'name' : 'DRTFakeFile', 'size' : 0 }
debug("FIXME: File.size always returns 0 for files dropped by eventSender.beginDragWithFiles from http tests: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25909");
debug("Drag files over an element, leave that element and release the mouse:");
{ 'path': 'resources/apple.gif', 'name' : 'apple.gif', 'size' : 1476 }
], true);
debug("Drag drop a real file onto an element:");
{ 'path': 'resources/apple.gif', 'name' : 'apple.gif', 'size' : 1476 }
debug("Drag drop two files onto an element:");
{ 'path': 'resources/apple.gif', 'name' : 'apple.gif', 'size' : 1476 },
{ 'path': 'resources/mozilla.gif', 'name' : 'mozilla.gif', 'size' : 2593 }
debug("Drag drop two files in reverse alphabetical order onto an element:");
{ 'path': 'resources/mozilla.gif', 'name' : 'mozilla.gif', 'size' : 2593 },
{ 'path': 'resources/apple.gif', 'name' : 'apple.gif', 'size' : 1476 }
// Directory dragging behavior is covered by https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25852 and https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25879
debug("FIXME: We should not allow element to accept drops including directories unless https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25879 is fixed to make directory File objects useful from JavaScript. The page is given File objects corresponding to directories, but form submission and xhr.send() will fail.");
debug("Drag drop a directory onto an element:");
draggingPathsShouldResultInFiles(['resources/directory-for-dragging'], []);
// Note: The order of selection in the Finder changes the order of file paths in the pasteboard
// thus it's important that we test different orders here as well (at least on the Mac)
// Both drops should be refused or succeed based on how https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25879 is resolved. Currently we expect drops to be refused.
debug("Drag drop a file and a directory onto an element:");
draggingPathsShouldResultInFiles(['resources/apple.gif', 'resources/directory-for-dragging'], []);
debug("Drag drop a directory and a file onto an element:")
draggingPathsShouldResultInFiles(['resources/directory-for-dragging', 'resources/apple.gif'], []);
if (window.eventSender) {
// Clean up after ourselves
} else {
testFailed("This test is not interactive, please run using DumpRenderTree");
var successfullyParsed = true;