
Some elements should have `integrity` attributes. Others shouldn't.

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS <link> has an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <script> has an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <a> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <audio> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <embed> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <iframe> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <img> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <object> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <source> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <track> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <video> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <body> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <div> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <html> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <meta> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS <span> does not have an 'integrity' attribute.
PASS successfullyParsed is true