// Test helper that is meant as a mini test framework to be used from a service
// worker that runs some tests and send results back to its client.
// A simple usage of this framework would consist of calling initialize() to
// setup then runNextTestOrQuit() in order to start running the methods defined
// by TESTS. Then, tests can start sending messages back to the client using
// postMessage().
// Example:
// var TESTS = [
// function simpleTest() {
// self.postMessage('you will receive this first');
// },
// function secondTest() {
// self.postMessage('secondTest done!');
// runNextTestOrQuit();
// }
// ];
// initialize().runNextTestOrQuit();
// In addition, there is a helper method meant to synthesized notificationclick
// events sent to a service worker, see synthesizeNotificationClick.
var client = null;
var currentTest = -1;
self.initialize = function() {
return self.clients.matchAll().then(function(clients) {
client = clients[0];
self.postMessage = function(msg) {
// Run the next test in TESTS if any. Otherwise sends a 'quit' message. and
// stops.
// In order for that call to succeed, the script MUST have a TESTS array
// defined.
self.runNextTestOrQuit = function() {
if (currentTest >= TESTS.length) {
// This method will use the |client| in order to synthesize a notificationclick
// event. The client will then use the testRunner.
// The returned promise will be resolved with the notificationclick event
// object.
self.synthesizeNotificationClick = function() {
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
var title = "fake notification";
registration.showNotification(title).then(function() {
client.postMessage({type: 'click', title: title});
var handler = function(e) {
// To allow waitUntil to be called inside execution of the microtask
// enqueued by above resolve function.
self.removeEventListener('notificationclick', handler);
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', handler);
return promise;