<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: kSerivceWorkerFallbackMainResource UseCounter</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.js"></script>
// |kSerivceWorkerFallbackMainResource| in web_feature.mojom.
const kFeature = 4369;
const kUrl = 'resources/fetch-fallback-worker.js';
const kScope = 'resources/fetch-fallback-window.html';
function isUseCounted(win, feature) {
return win.internals.isUseCounted(win.document, feature);
function observeUseCounter(win, feature) {
return win.internals.observeUseCounter(win.document, feature);
// Use a window instead of an iframe because UseCounter is shared among frames
// in a document and these tests cannot be conducted in such an environment.
// A window has its own UseCounter.
function openWindow(t, url) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const win = window.open(url, '_blank');
t.add_cleanup(() => win.close());
window.onmessage = t.step_func(e => {
assert_equals(e.data, 'LOADED');
function fetchSubResource({ t, win, handledByFetchHandler }) {
win.postMessage({ type: 'FETCH_SUBRESOURCE', handledByFetchHandler });
return new Promise(resolve => {
window.onmessage = t.step_func(e => {
assert_equals(e.data, 'SUBRESOURCE_LOADED');
async function registerServiceWorker(t) {
const registration = await service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, kUrl, kScope);
t.add_cleanup(async () => {
await registration.unregister();
// ServiceWorker might be already activated.
await wait_for_state(t, registration.installing || registration.active, 'activated');
promise_test(async t => {
// Activate the ServiceWorker before opening the window.
await registerServiceWorker(t);
const win1 = await openWindow(t, kScope);
// Request to add the new subresource to the window, which will not be
// captured by the ServiceWorker's fetch handler.
await fetchSubResource({ t, win: win1, handledByFetchHandler: false });
// win2 with handledByFetchHandler: true
const win2 = await openWindow(t, kScope);
// Request to add the new subresource to the window, which will be
// captured by the ServiceWorker's fetch handler.
await fetchSubResource({ t, win: win2, handledByFetchHandler: true });
// Make sure if the UseCounter is recorded.
await observeUseCounter(win2, kFeature);
assert_true(isUseCounted(win2, kFeature));
// UseCounter is not recorded since the subresource response is not handled
// by the ServiceWorker fetch handler.
assert_false(isUseCounted(win1, kFeature));
}, 'ServiceWorkerFallbackMainResource is recorded when the ServiceWorker' +
'fetch handler is fallback for the main resource, but handles subresources.');
promise_test(async t => {
// Activate the ServiceWorker before opening the window.
await registerServiceWorker(t);
const win = await openWindow(t, kScope);
// Request to add the new subresource to the window, which will be captured
// by ServiceWorker's fetch handler.
await fetchSubResource({ t, win, handledByFetchHandler: false });
assert_false(isUseCounted(win, kFeature));
}, 'ServiceWorkerFallbackMainResource is not recorded if there are no ' +
'subresource requests handled by ServiceWorker.');
promise_test(async t => {
// Opening the window first.
const win = await openWindow(t, kScope);
// Make sure if the UseCounter is not recorded.
assert_false(isUseCounted(win, kFeature));
// Then register the ServiceWorker. Wait for Client.claim() being called
// to let the ServiceWorker controls win.
const controllerChangePromise = new Promise(resolve => {
const { serviceWorker } = win.navigator;
serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', () => {
return resolve(serviceWorker.controller);
await registerServiceWorker(t);
await controllerChangePromise;
// Request to add the new subresource to the window, which will be captured
// by ServiceWorker's fetch handler.
await fetchSubResource({ t, win, handledByFetchHandler: true });
// Make sure if the UseCounter is not recorded again.
assert_false(isUseCounted(win, kFeature));
}, 'ServiceWorkerFallbackMainResource is not recorded if the main page is ' +
'not SW-controlled at the navigation timing.');