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async function collectGarbage() {
// Multiple rounds of GC are required to reclaim garbage here.
await gc({type:'major', execution:'async'});
await gc({type:'major', execution:'async'});
async function instantiateAndRunModule(url)
let {module, instance} = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(url));
// Check if there is any TurboFan function in the compiled module.
let has_turbofan = false;
for (f in instance.exports) {
if (%IsTurboFanFunction(instance.exports[f])) {
has_turbofan = true;
// Run all functions as long as unoptimized functions are left.
let has_unoptimized = true;
while (has_unoptimized) {
has_unoptimized = false;
for (f in instance.exports) {
// If this assert fails, it will cause a timeout and not an error.
assert_equals(42, instance.exports[f](1, 2, 4));
has_unoptimized ||= %IsLiftoffFunction(instance.exports[f]);
return has_turbofan;
promise_test(async () => {
const url = '';
// Instantiate and run the module 3 times, as caching only happens after the
// second run.
let has_turbofan = await instantiateAndRunModule(url);
// The initial compilation should not have any TurboFan functions.
// Collect the other instances to avoid the in-process module caching.
await collectGarbage();
await instantiateAndRunModule(url);
await collectGarbage();
has_turbofan = await instantiateAndRunModule(url);
// The compiled module should have been loaded from the cache, and should
// contain at least one TurboFan function.
}, "Test that wasm code caching works");
promise_test(async () => {
const url = '';
// Instantiate and run the module 3 times, as caching only happens after the
// second run.
let has_turbofan = await instantiateAndRunModule(url);
// The initial compilation should not have any TurboFan functions.
// Collect the other instances to avoid the in-process module caching.
await collectGarbage();
await instantiateAndRunModule(url);
await collectGarbage();
has_turbofan = await instantiateAndRunModule(url);
// The module should be too small for caching, there should be no TurboFan.
}, "Test that small wasm modules don't get cached");
promise_test(async () => {
const url1 = '';
const url2 = 'http://localhost:8000/wasm/resources/load-wasm.php?name=small.wasm&cors';
let has_turbofan = await instantiateAndRunModule(url1);
// The module has already been optimized in the first test.
await collectGarbage();
// Load the same module again, but from a different origin.
has_turbofan = await instantiateAndRunModule(url2);
// Compiled modules of different origins should not share the cache.
}, "Test that different origins don't share the cache.");