
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
async function loadFont(tag) {
  const font_url =
      './resources/no-cache-not-modified-font.php?tag=' + tag;
  const font = new FontFace("font", `url(${font_url})`);
  await font.load();

promise_test(async () => {
  const tag = Math.random();
  // The first request.
  await loadFont(tag);
  // The second request should be successfully revalidated.
  await loadFont(tag);
  // The third request should be successfully revalidated again. And this should
  // not cause crash. (
  await loadFont(tag);
}, '304 Not Modified responses should not cause a crash');