
<!doctype html>
<script src = "/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src = "/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
'use strict';

// Reproduce an issue where the renderer would crash if the remote server
// closed the connection in the middle of sending a large message. The test
// passes if it doesn't crash.

async_test(t => {
  const ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
  ws.onopen = () => {
    // Experimentally determined to be large enough to reliably trigger the
    // issue.
    const ab = new ArrayBuffer(8 << 20);
  ws.onerror = t.unreached_func('onerror should not be fired');
  ws.onmessage = t.unreached_func('onmessage should not be fired');
  ws.onclose = evt => t.done();
}, 'Renderer shouldn\'t crash if connection is closed during message send');