<script src="/js-test-resources/js-test.js"></script>
<div id="description"></div>
<div id="console"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
description("Test WebSocket URL parsing.");
// Not enough arguments.
shouldThrow('new WebSocket()');
// Invalid url will fail to be parsed.
shouldThrow('new WebSocket("ws://javascript:a")');
// Relative URLs behave like HTTP(S) URLs
let url = new URL("null", location);
url.protocol = "ws";
shouldBe('(new WebSocket(null)).url', 'url.href');
url.pathname = "/applet"
shouldBe('(new WebSocket("/applet")).url', 'url.href');
// Non ws URL is not allowed.
shouldThrow('new WebSocket("javascript:a")');
// Resolve the url string using the resolve a Web address algorithm.
// Use and existing ws handler to make sure we don't receive unexpected response (so no console message appears)
shouldBe('(new WebSocket("ws://")).url', '"ws://"');
shouldBe('(new WebSocket("ws://")).url', '"ws://"');
shouldBe('(new WebSocket("ws://")).url', '"ws://"');
shouldBe('(new WebSocket("")).url', '"ws://"');
shouldBe('(new WebSocket("")).url', '"wss://"');
// The WebSocket API specification says If /url/ has a <fragment>
// component, then fail the parsing WebSocket URLs, so throw a SYNTAX_ERR
// exception.
shouldThrow('new WebSocket("ws://")');
shouldThrow('new WebSocket("ws://")');
shouldThrow('new WebSocket("ws:://")');