function openWindow(url) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const win =, '_blank');
add_result_callback(() => win.close());
window.onmessage = e => {
assert_equals(, 'LOADED');
function openWindowAndExpectResult(windowURL, scriptURL, type, expectation) {
return openWindow(windowURL).then(win => {
const promise = new Promise(r => window.onmessage = r);
win.postMessage({ type: type, script_url: scriptURL }, '*');
return promise;
}).then(msg_event => assert_equals(, expectation));
// Runs a series of tests related to content security policy for eval() on a
// worklet.
// Usage:
// runContentSecurityPolicyEvalTests("paint");
// These tests should not be upstreamed to WPT because this tests console
// outputs.
function runContentSecurityPolicyEvalTests(workletType) {
promise_test(t => {
const kWindowURL = 'resources/addmodule-window.html';
const kScriptURL = 'eval-worklet-script.js';
// Note that evaluation failure by disallowed eval() call does not reject
// the addModule() promise.
return openWindowAndExpectResult(
kWindowURL, kScriptURL, workletType, 'RESOLVED');
}, 'eval() call on the worklet should be blocked because the script-src ' +
'unsafe-eval directive is not specified.');
promise_test(t => {
const kWindowURL = 'resources/addmodule-window-with-unsafe-eval.html';
const kScriptURL = 'eval-worklet-script.js';
return openWindowAndExpectResult(
kWindowURL, kScriptURL, workletType, 'RESOLVED');
}, 'eval() call on the worklet should not be blocked because the ' +
'script-src unsafe-eval directive allows it.');