The test verifies functionality of protocol methods working correctly with CSS nesting rules starting with identifiers
*div* { user-agent readonly
display: block; @[undefined-undefined]
address, blockquote, center, *div*, figure, figcaption, footer, form, header, hr, legend, listing, main, p, plaintext, pre, summary, xmp, article, aside, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup, nav, section, search, table, caption, colgroup, col, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th, dir, dd, dl, dt, menu, ol, ul, li, bdi, output, [dir="ltr" i], [dir="rtl" i], [dir="auto" i] { user-agent readonly
unicode-bidi: isolate; @[undefined-undefined]
*div* { regular
width: 42px; @[2:4-2:16]
width: 42px; @[undefined-undefined]
nesting selectors: #parent
unrelated, *div* { regular
display: grid; @[9:6-9:20]
display: grid; @[undefined-undefined]
nesting selectors: & div,#parent
*div:not(.x)* { regular
height: 42px; @[5:6-5:19]
height: 42px; @[undefined-undefined]
nesting selectors: & div,#parent