(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
var {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startHTML(`
<link rel='stylesheet' href='${testRunner.url('resources/set-style-text-nested-declarations.css')}'/>
<article id='test'></article>
`, 'The test verifies functionality of protocol method CSS.setStyleTexts modifying CSSNestedDeclarations.');
var CSSHelper = await testRunner.loadScript('../resources/css-helper.js');
var cssHelper = new CSSHelper(testRunner, dp);
var event = await dp.CSS.onceStyleSheetAdded();
var styleSheetId = event.params.header.styleSheetId;
var setStyleTexts = cssHelper.setStyleTexts.bind(cssHelper, styleSheetId, false);
var verifyProtocolError = cssHelper.setStyleTexts.bind(cssHelper, styleSheetId, true);
var documentNodeId = await cssHelper.requestDocumentNodeId();
var response = await dp.CSS.getStyleSheetText({styleSheetId});
testRunner.log('==== Initial style sheet text ====');
async function dumpAndUndo() {
await cssHelper.loadAndDumpMatchingRules(documentNodeId, '#test');
await dp.DOM.undo();
async function testBasicEdit() {
// Original text: "width: 100px;\n height: 50px;"
await setStyleTexts([{
styleSheetId: styleSheetId,
range: { startLine:4, startColumn: 2, endLine: 5, endColumn: 15 },
text: "width: 142px;\n height: 92px;",
await dumpAndUndo();
// Tests editing of the trailing CSSNestedDeclarations rule.
async function testEditTrailing() {
// Original text: "top: 3px"
await setStyleTexts([{
styleSheetId: styleSheetId,
range: { startLine:7, startColumn: 2, endLine: 7, endColumn: 11 },
text: "top: 45px",
await dumpAndUndo();
async function testEditComment() {
// Original text: "width: 100px;\n height: 50px;"
await setStyleTexts([{
styleSheetId: styleSheetId,
range: { startLine:4, startColumn: 2, endLine: 5, endColumn: 15 },
text: "/* width: 142px; */\n height: 92px;",
await dumpAndUndo();
// TODO(crbug.com/361116768): We do not support making edits
// which would remove the CSSNestedDeclarations rule.
async function testEditCommentAllDeclarations() {
// Original text: "width: 100px;\n height: 50px;"
await verifyProtocolError([{
styleSheetId: styleSheetId,
range: { startLine:4, startColumn: 2, endLine: 5, endColumn: 15 },
text: "/* width: 142px; */\n /* height: 92px; */",