Tests that device emulation affects media rules, viewport meta tag, body dimensions and window.screen.
Emulating small device on a page with viewport "width=device-width" set should work without reload for page without scrollbar.
Emulating device: 380x420x1
Loading page with viewport=w=dw
window.screenX = 0px
window.screenY = 0px
Viewport: = ?w=dw
@media orientation = portrait
window.orientation = 0
@media resolution = 96dpi
@media device-pixel-ratio = 1
window.devicePixelRatio = 1
@media device-width = 380px
screen.width = 380px
screen.availWidth = 380px
window.outerWidth = 380px
window.innerWidth = 380px
@media width = 380px
doc.docElem.clientWidth = 380px
doc.docElem.offsetWidth = 380px
doc.docElem.scrollWidth = 380px
doc.body.clientWidth = 380px
doc.body.offsetWidth = 380px
doc.body.scrollWidth = 380px
@media device-height = 420px
screen.height = 420px
screen.availHeight = 420px
window.outerHeight = 420px
window.innerHeight = 420px
@media height = 420px
doc.docElem.clientHeight = 420px
doc.docElem.offsetHeight = 420px
doc.docElem.scrollHeight = 420px
doc.body.clientHeight = 420px
doc.body.offsetHeight = 420px
doc.body.scrollHeight = 420px