(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
var {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startBlank(
'Test that heap profiler doesn\'t crash while taking snapshot on a page where iframe was navigated to a new location after ' +
'storing a hold of a function from the previous page. Bug 103076.');
await session.evaluateAsync(`
var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.src = '${testRunner.url('resources/page-with-function.html')}';
var loadPromise = new Promise(f => frame.onload = f);
var storeFunctionRefAndNavigateIFramePromise = loadPromise.then(() => {
window.fooRef = frame.contentWindow.foo;
frame.src = 'about:blank';
return new Promise(f => frame.onload = f);
await dp.Profiler.takeHeapSnapshot({reportProgress: false});
testRunner.log('SUCCESS: didTakeHeapSnapshot');