(async function(/** @type {import('test_runner').TestRunner} */ testRunner) {
// Test traces
function checkScriptTraceEvent(events, name, id, duration) {
const scriptEvents = events.filter(e => e.name == name && e.id == id);
if (scriptEvents.length < 2) {
testRunner.log(`No ${name} event in trace`);
else if ((scriptEvents[1].ts - scriptEvents[0].ts) / 1000 <= duration) {
testRunner.log(`${name} trace event duration <= ${duration}`);
} else {
testRunner.log(`${name} event duration > ${duration}`);
var {session} = await testRunner.startHTML(
'Tests reporting of long animation frames in traces (no visual update).');
var TracingHelper =
await testRunner.loadScript('../resources/tracing-test.js');
var tracingHelper = new TracingHelper(testRunner, session);
await tracingHelper.startTracing();
await session.evaluateAsync(`new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const busy_wait_time = 250;
const deadline = performance.now() + busy_wait_time;
while (performance.now() < deadline) {}
// Ensure at least 4 "short" animation frames occur.
await session.evaluateAsync(`new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(r));`);
await session.evaluateAsync(`new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(r));`);
await session.evaluateAsync(`new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(r));`);
await session.evaluateAsync(`new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(r));`);
const events = await tracingHelper.stopTracing();
const loaf_tracing_event = events.find(
e => e.name == 'AnimationFrame' &&
e.args.animation_frame_timing_info?.duration_ms > 200 &&
e.args.animation_frame_timing_info?.num_scripts == 1);
loaf_tracing_event ? 'Found matching LoAF event' :
'No matching LoAF event');
if (loaf_tracing_event) {
const {animation_frame_timing_info} = loaf_tracing_event.args;
animation_frame_timing_info.duration_ms -
animation_frame_timing_info.blocking_duration_ms >= 50 ? '>=50' : '<50'}`);
events, 'AnimationFrame::Script::Execute', loaf_tracing_event.id, 50);
// We want to assert that there are exactly four short AnimationFrame events with
// no scripts counted against. However, on some really slow devices (eg. cpu=1 tests),
// this tends to flake with short frames' script execution time going above the 5ms
// threshold. In order to deflake, we use a < 200 threshold here to count short frames.
const short_animation_frame_events = events.filter(
e => e.name == 'AnimationFrame' &&
(e.args.animation_frame_timing_info?.duration_ms || 0) < 200);
testRunner.log(`Found matching short LoaF events ${
short_animation_frame_events.length >= 4 ? '>=4' : '<4'}`);
const short_frame_ids = short_animation_frame_events.map(({ id }) => id);
const short_animation_frame_render_events = events.filter(
e => e.name == 'AnimationFrame::Render' && short_frame_ids.includes(e.id));
testRunner.log(`Found matching short AnimationFrame::Render events ${
short_animation_frame_render_events.length >= 4 ? '>=4' : '<4'}`);