// TODO(srirama.m): Remove these globals with the help of expected arrays.
var timeRangeCount = 0;
var currentTimeRange = 0;
var playDuration = 0;
var startTimeOfPlay = 0;
var startTime = 0;
// Tracking down the exact cause of failure in https://crbug.com/931533
var testRangesCounter = 0;
function testRanges(expectedStartTimes, expectedEndTimes) {
assert_equals(video.played.length, timeRangeCount, "testRanges(" + testRangesCounter + ") played.length --");
for (var i = 0; i < timeRangeCount; i++) {
assert_equals(video.played.start(i).toFixed(2), expectedStartTimes[i], "testRanges(" + testRangesCounter + ") start["+i+"] --");
assert_equals(video.played.end(i).toFixed(2), expectedEndTimes[i], "testRanges(" + testRangesCounter + ") end["+i+"] --");
function waitForPauseAndContinue(t, nextFunc, extendsRange, expectedStartTimes, expectedEndTimes) {
video.onpause = t.step_func(function() {
var currentTime = video.currentTime.toFixed(2);
if (extendsRange) {
if(expectedEndTimes[currentTimeRange] < currentTime
|| expectedEndTimes[currentTimeRange] == undefined) {
expectedEndTimes[currentTimeRange] = currentTime;
} else {
expectedEndTimes.splice(currentTimeRange, 0, currentTime);
testRanges(expectedStartTimes, expectedEndTimes);
if (nextFunc)
function willCreateNewRange(expectedStartTimes) {
expectedStartTimes.splice(currentTimeRange, 0, video.currentTime.toFixed(2))
function callPauseIfTimeIsReached() {
var playedTime = video.currentTime - startTimeOfPlay;
var elapsed = (performance.now() / 1000) - startTime;
assert_less_than_equal(elapsed, 3.0);
if (playedTime >= playDuration || video.currentTime == video.duration)
else {
var delta = (playDuration - playedTime) * 1000;
setTimeout(this.step_func(callPauseIfTimeIsReached), delta);
function playForDuration(duration, t) {
playDuration = duration;
assert_less_than_equal(duration, video.duration);
// A 2 second timeout was sometimes insufficient to play 1.25 seconds of movie,
// though more than 1 second of movie typically had played prior to those failures.
// Use a larger value than 2 here.
var timeoutThreshold = 3.0;
assert_greater_than_equal(video.duration, timeoutThreshold);
assert_less_than_equal(duration, timeoutThreshold - 1.5);
startTime = performance.now() / 1000;
startTimeOfPlay = video.currentTime;
// Add a small amount to the timer because it will take a non-zero
// amount of time for the video to start playing.
setTimeout(t.step_func(callPauseIfTimeIsReached), (duration * 1000) + 100);
function startPlayingInNewRange(t, expectedStartTimes) {
playForDuration(0.3, t);