
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/netinfo_common.js"></script>

description('Tests using NetInfo from multiple frames.');

shouldBe('typeof internals.observeGC', '"function"',
'this test requires window.internals');

var childFrame = document.createElement('iframe');

var childConnection = childFrame.contentWindow.navigator.connection;

// Verify that same amount of noise is added to the main frame and child frame
// since they belong to same origin.
function verifyMainFrameMatchesChildFrame() {
    if (connection.effectiveType != childConnection.effectiveType)
        testFailed("Effective type not the same between main frame and child.");
    if (connection.rtt != childConnection.rtt)
        testFailed("RTT not the same between main frame and child.");
    if (connection.downlink != childConnection.downlink)
        testFailed("Downlink not the same between main frame and child.");


var hasMainFrameEventFired = false;
var hasChildFrameEventFired = false;

// Up to 10% noise  may be added to rtt and downlink. Use 11% as the
// buffer below to include any mismatches due to floating point
// calculations.
function mainFrameListener() {
    hasMainFrameEventFired = true;
    if (connection.effectiveType != newEffectiveType)
        testFailed("Event fired but effectiveType not yet changed.");
    if (Math.abs(connection.rtt - newRtt) > newRttMaxNoise)
        testFailed("Event fired but rtt not yet changed.");
    if (Math.abs(connection.downlink - newDownlinkMax) > newDownlinkMaxNoise)
        testFailed("Event fired but downlink not yet changed.");
    if (!hasChildFrameEventFired && childConnection.rtt != initialRtt)
        testFailed("Child frame rtt changed before firing its event.");

function childFrameListener() {
    hasChildFrameEventFired = true;
    if (childConnection.effectiveType != newEffectiveType)
        testFailed("Child frame fired event but effectiveType not yet changed.");
    if (Math.abs(childConnection.rtt - newRtt) > newRttMaxNoise)
        testFailed("Child frame fired event but rtt not yet changed.");
    if (Math.abs(childConnection.downlink - newDownlinkMax) > newDownlinkMaxNoise)
        testFailed("Child frame fired event but downlink not yet changed.");
    if (!hasMainFrameEventFired && connection.rtt != initialRtt)
        testFailed("Main frame rtt changed before firing its event.");

function maybeFinishTest() {
    if (hasMainFrameEventFired && hasChildFrameEventFired) {

connection.addEventListener('change', mainFrameListener);
childConnection.addEventListener('change', childFrameListener);

internals.setNetworkConnectionInfoOverride(isTypeOnline(initialType), initialType, newEffectiveType, newRtt, newDownlinkMax);
