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SVG 1.1 test:render-groups-01-b </title>
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    <div class="linkbar"> 
<a href="full-render-groups-01-b.html">Full version</a>, <a href="basic-render-groups-01-b.html">Basic version</a></p>
<p>Specification link: <a target="spec" href="">3.4 How groups are rendered</a></p>
                <a href="full-pservers-pattern-01-b.html">pservers-pattern-01-b ←</a> 
                <a href="full-index.html">index</a>
                <a href="full-script-handle-01-b.html">→ script-handle-01-b</a>

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                            SVG Image
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                            PNG Image
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                                 <embed src="../../../svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/render-groups-01-b.svg" width="480" height="360"/>
                        <td align="left">
                            <img alt="raster image of render-groups-01-b" src="../../../svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/render-groups-01-b-w3c.png" width="480" height="360"/>

<div class="opscript">
                Verifies implicit rendering order (paragraph 3.3) and grouping mechanism (paragraphs 3.4).
                It also validates basic Shape, Image and text rendering.
                This test renders 3  elements: a text string "SVG", then 
                a shape, then an image. Because of their definition order and coordinates, the image 
                should be on top of the rectangle and the rectangle on top of the text. The 
                test validates that groups are conceptually rendered offscreen before being
                rendered on the canvas. This is done by grouping the same overlapping objects and
                rendering the group at half opacity. The background pattern (vertical stripes) should
                show throw all the group elements. However, none of the "SVG" should show through the
                rectangle and none of the rectangle should show through the image.
                Prerequisites: the test assumes proper handling of the fill stroke, stroke-width,
                opacity, font-size rendering properties. It uses the rect, line, text and image elements, as
                well as all the elements required for the test template. To ensure that the text string is 
                overlapped by the other elements and to avoid a dependency on system fonts, an SVG font is used.
                The rendered image should match the reference image exactly.

<div class="linkbar"> <p>
                <a href="full-pservers-pattern-01-b.html">pservers-pattern-01-b ←</a>
                <a name="scrollTo" href="full-index.html">index</a>
                <a href="full-script-handle-01-b.html">→ script-handle-01-b</a>