# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
proto_library("proto") {
proto_in_dir = "//"
sources = [ "launcher_app.proto" ]
link_deps = [ "//chrome/browser/apps/almanac_api_client/proto" ]
# Note that unlike the .cc and .h pb files the descriptor is generated in
# "$root_gen_dir/launcher_app.descriptor" unless we specify proto_out_dir
# because of the way we set proto_in_dir.
# Check third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni for more details.
proto_library("launcher_app_descriptor") {
proto_in_dir = "//"
proto_out_dir = "chrome/browser/apps/app_discovery_service/almanac_api"
sources = [ "launcher_app.proto" ]
generate_cc = false
generate_python = false
generate_descriptor = "launcher_app.descriptor"
proto_deps = [ "//chrome/browser/apps/almanac_api_client/proto" ]