
This is a wdspec test.
[FAIL] test_input[color]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[date]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[datetime-local]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[email]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[file]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[month]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[number]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[password]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[range]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[search]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[tel]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[text]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[time]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[url]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_input[week]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_textarea
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_fieldset_descendant
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_fieldset_descendant_not_first_legend
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_xhtml[input]
  assert 500 == 400
[FAIL] test_xhtml[textarea]
  assert 500 == 400
Harness: the test ran to completion.