This is a wdspec test.
[FAIL] test_no_browsing_context
assert 200 == 404
[FAIL] test_no_such_shadow_root_with_element
assert 200 == 404
[FAIL] test_no_such_shadow_root_with_unknown_shadow_root
AssertionError: assert 'no such element' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_no_such_shadow_root_with_shadow_root_from_other_window_handle
AssertionError: assert 'detached shadow root' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_no_such_shadow_root_with_shadow_root_from_other_frame
AssertionError: assert 'detached shadow root' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_invalid_shadow_root_id_argument[True]
AssertionError: assert 'no such element' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_invalid_shadow_root_id_argument[None]
AssertionError: assert 'no such element' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_invalid_shadow_root_id_argument[1]
AssertionError: assert 'no such element' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_invalid_shadow_root_id_argument[shadow_root_id3]
AssertionError: assert 'no such element' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_invalid_shadow_root_id_argument[shadow_root_id4]
AssertionError: assert 'no such element' == 'no such shadow root'
[FAIL] test_find_elements[open-tag name-a]
AssertionError: invalid argument (400): invalid argument: invalid locator
[FAIL] test_find_elements[open-xpath-//a]
AssertionError: invalid argument (400): invalid argument: invalid locator
[FAIL] test_find_elements[closed-css selector-#linkText]
webdriver.error.NoSuchShadowRootException: no such shadow root (404): no such shadow root
[FAIL] test_find_elements[closed-link text-full link text]
webdriver.error.NoSuchShadowRootException: no such shadow root (404): no such shadow root
[FAIL] test_find_elements[closed-partial link text-link text]
webdriver.error.NoSuchShadowRootException: no such shadow root (404): no such shadow root
[FAIL] test_find_elements[closed-tag name-a]
webdriver.error.NoSuchShadowRootException: no such shadow root (404): no such shadow root
[FAIL] test_find_elements[closed-xpath-//a]
webdriver.error.NoSuchShadowRootException: no such shadow root (404): no such shadow root
[FAIL] test_find_elements_in_nested_shadow_root[closed]
webdriver.error.NoSuchShadowRootException: no such shadow root (404): no such shadow root
Harness: the test ran to completion.