// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/one_shot_event.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation_traits.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/app_preload_service/preload_app_definition.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/reorder/app_list_reorder_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/sync_start_util.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/sync/model/string_ordinal.h"
#include "components/sync/model/sync_change.h"
#include "components/sync/model/sync_change_processor.h"
#include "components/sync/model/syncable_service.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/app_list_specifics.pb.h"
class AppListModelUpdater;
class AppServiceAppModelBuilder;
class AppServicePromiseAppModelBuilder;
class ChromeAppListItem;
class Profile;
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionRegistry;
class ExtensionSystem;
} // namespace extensions
namespace sync_pb {
class AppListSpecifics;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
namespace app_list {
class AppListReorderDelegate;
class AppListSyncModelSanitizer;
// Keyed Service that owns, stores, and syncs an AppListModel for a profile.
class AppListSyncableService : public syncer::SyncableService,
public KeyedService,
public reorder::AppListReorderDelegate {
struct SyncItem {
SyncItem(const std::string& id,
sync_pb::AppListSpecifics::AppListItemType type,
bool is_new);
SyncItem(const SyncItem&) = delete;
SyncItem& operator=(const SyncItem&) = delete;
const std::string item_id;
sync_pb::AppListSpecifics::AppListItemType item_type;
std::string item_name;
std::string promise_package_id;
std::string parent_id;
syncer::StringOrdinal item_ordinal;
syncer::StringOrdinal item_pin_ordinal;
ash::IconColor item_color;
// Indicates whether the item represents a system-created folder - i.e. a
// folder that was not created explicitly by a user.
// Unlike other properties, this value is not persisted to local state, nor
// synced. It reflects the associated ChromeAppListItem state.
bool is_system_folder = false;
// Whether the `item_ordinal` should be fixed after initial sync data is
// received during a user session.
// This value is preserved in local prefs, but not synced. It helps identify
// app items added to persistent storage to set default shelf pin ordinal,
// which may happen before a default app gets installed.
// If initial data is received before the app is first installed,
// the item ordinal would be initialized without taking special cases like
// default item ordinals, or sort order into account - see
// https://crbug.com/1306913.
bool empty_item_ordinal_fixable = true;
// If set with value equal to `item_ordinal`, indicates that the item
// ordinal should be reset to a value used by default for new apps. Used for
// default installed apps that need to be added to default app order for new
// users, but positioned to the front (as if it was a newly installed app)
// of the app list for existing users. This will be set if the app position
// is set to the default order before initial sync completes (as initial
// sync may change whether the user is considered new or existing).
// Indicates whether the sync item is ephemeral - i.e. an app or a folder
// that does not persist across sessions. These items have a uniquely
// generated ID per-session.
// Sync items that are marked as ephemeral will not persist to local state,
// nor be synced, in order to avoid growing the App List indefinitely with
// IDs of obsolete ephemeral items.
bool is_ephemeral = false;
// Whether the app was pinned to shelf by the user or not.
// The eventual consistency (a sufficient amount of time after rollout)
// we're aspiring to reach here is for this field to be interleaved with the
// pin ordinal: `item_pin_ordinal.IsValid() <=> is_user_pinned.has_value()`.
// However, it's okay for this contract to be violated in the meantine.
// * missing value indicates that either `item_pin_ordinal` is invalid or
// this field is new and hasn't yet been processed by sync.
// * `true` means that the app was pinned by the user.
// We are using this definition in a relaxed way -- for instance, default
// OS apps that are shown in the shelf (like Chrome itself) also have
// this set to true.
// * `false` means that the app was pinned by PinnedLauncherApps policy.
// Note that user pin has priority: if an app was first pinned by the
// user and then additionally specified in PinnedLauncherApps, this value
// will be set to true.
std::optional<bool> is_user_pinned;
// Whether the item is considered new - i.e. first added during the current
// user session. This will be false if the sync item was created when
// loading items from local storage, or in response to sync changes.
const bool is_new;
std::string ToString() const;
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Notifies that sync model was updated.
virtual void OnSyncModelUpdated() = 0;
// Notifies the addition or update from the sync items for testing.
virtual void OnAddOrUpdateFromSyncItemForTest() {}
~Observer() override;
// An app list model updater factory function used by tests.
using ModelUpdaterFactoryCallback =
// Sets an app list model updater factory function for tests. Its lifetime is
// bound to the lifetime of the returned unique_ptr<>.
static std::unique_ptr<base::ScopedClosureRunner>
SetScopedModelUpdaterFactoryForTest(ModelUpdaterFactoryCallback callback);
using SyncItemMap = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<SyncItem>>;
// Populates the model when |profile|'s extension system is ready.
explicit AppListSyncableService(Profile* profile);
AppListSyncableService(const AppListSyncableService&) = delete;
AppListSyncableService& operator=(const AppListSyncableService&) = delete;
~AppListSyncableService() override;
// Registers prefs to support local storage.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Some sync behavior depends on whether or not an app was installed by
// default (as opposed to e.g. installed via explicit user action). Some
// tests want the AppListSyncableService to consider an app to be installed
// by default, without going through the heavyweight process of completely
// installing an app. These functions facilitate that.
static bool AppIsDefaultForTest(Profile* profile, const std::string& id);
static void SetAppIsDefaultForTest(Profile* profile, const std::string& id);
// Adds |item| to |sync_items_| and |model_|. If a sync item already exists,
// updates the existing sync item instead.
void AddItem(std::unique_ptr<ChromeAppListItem> app_item);
// Removes sync item matching |id|. |is_uninstall| indicates whether the item
// was removed due to an app uninstall.
void RemoveItem(const std::string& id, bool is_uninstall);
// Returns the default position for the OEM folder.
syncer::StringOrdinal GetDefaultOemFolderPosition() const;
// Creates a string ordinal that would position an app list item as the last
// item in the app list.
syncer::StringOrdinal GetLastPosition() const;
// Gets a string ordinal that would position an app after the item with the
// provided `id`.
syncer::StringOrdinal GetPositionAfterApp(const std::string& id) const;
// Describes linkage between a promise app item, and an existing app sync
// item. Promise app will be linked with an existing app when the existing app
// package ID matches the promise app ID (i.e. when the promise app is
// installing an app previously installed by the user).
struct LinkedPromiseAppSyncItem {
// The ID of the existing sync item linked with the promise app.
const std::string linked_item_id;
// The promise app sync item created from the linked sync item attributes.
const raw_ptr<const SyncItem> promise_item;
// If an sync item with the provided package ID exists, it creates a sync item
// for the promise app, and "links" it with the existing sync item.
// When a promise app item is linked to another sync item, changes to the sync
// item (e.g. from app list sync) will be applied to the promise app item, and
// change to promise app item (e.g. from user actions in app list UI) will be
// applied to the linked sync item.
// Linkage will be removed when the promise app item gets removed.
// This can be called multiple times per promise app, and it will return
// consistent result as long as the linkage is active.
// If no items that can be linked to the promise app are found, the promise
// app sync item will not be created, and this will return nullopt.
CreateLinkedPromiseSyncItemIfAvailable(const std::string& promise_package_id);
// Called when properties of an item may have changed, e.g. default/oem state.
void UpdateItem(const ChromeAppListItem* app_item);
// Returns the existing sync item matching |id| or NULL.
virtual const SyncItem* GetSyncItem(const std::string& id) const;
// Adds a page break item with the provided ID at the provided position.
void AddPageBreakItem(const std::string& page_break_id,
const syncer::StringOrdinal& position);
// Transfers app attributes, such as parent folder id, position in App
// Launcher and pin position on the shelf from one app to another app. Target
// app defined by |to_app_id| is not required to be present at call time. In
// which case attributes would be applied once the target app appears on the
// device. Note, pending attributes are not preserved between the user
// sessions. This functionality is primarily used for migrating app in case
// app id is changed but it is required to preserve position in App Launcher
// and in shelf.
// Returns true on success and false in case app defined by |from_app_id|
// does not exist.
bool TransferItemAttributes(const std::string& from_app_id,
const std::string& to_app_id);
// Sets the name of the folder for OEM apps.
void SetOemFolderName(const std::string& name);
// Returns optional pin position for the app specified by |app_id|. If app is
// not synced or does not have associated pin position then empty ordinal is
// returned.
virtual syncer::StringOrdinal GetPinPosition(const std::string& app_id);
// Sets pin position and how it is pinned for the app specified by |app_id|.
// |item_pin_ordinal| must be valid.
// |pinned_by_policy| tells whether this item is pinned to the shelf by the
// `PinnedLauncherApps` policy.
virtual void SetPinPosition(const std::string& app_id,
const syncer::StringOrdinal& item_pin_ordinal,
bool pinned_by_policy);
// Copies a promise app sync item attributes from a sync item with
// `promise_app_id` to a sync item with `target_id`. No-op if the source sync
// item does not exist. If the target sync item does not exist, it will be
// created. At the time of writing, used to move a promise app sync item
// attributes the the sync item associated with the installed app.
void CopyPromiseItemAttributesToItem(const std::string& promise_app_id,
const std::string& target_id);
// Sets |is_user_pinned| to false for the given item specified by |item_id|.
// Item must exist, |item_pin_ordinal| must be valid, and |is_user_pinned|
// must be unset by the time of the call.
void SetIsPolicyPinned(const std::string& app_id);
// Removes pin position for the app specified by |app_id|.
virtual void RemovePinPosition(const std::string& app_id);
// Gets the app list model updater.
AppListModelUpdater* GetModelUpdater();
// Returns true if this service was initialized.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual bool IsInitialized() const;
// Returns true if sync was started.
bool IsSyncing() const;
// Registers a `callback` to be run from a posted task on completion of the
// first sync in the session. The `callback` is notified of whether the first
// sync in the session was thought to be the first sync ever across all
// ChromeOS devices and sessions for the associated user. This method is safe
// to call even after completion of the first sync in the session, in which
// case the `callback` will be run from a task posted immediately.
// NOTE: Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnFirstSync(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool was_first_sync_ever)> callback);
const std::string& GetOemFolderNameForTest() const {
return oem_folder_name_;
// Receives launcher ordering when AppPreloadService is ready, and merges with
// `preload_service_ordinals_` to precalculate the ordinals for any of the
// default apps to be installed by APS.
void OnGetLauncherOrdering(const apps::LauncherOrdering& launcher_ordering);
const std::map<apps::LauncherItem, syncer::StringOrdinal>&
GetDefaultOrdinalsForTest() const {
return preload_service_ordinals_;
void PopulateSyncItemsForTest(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyncItem>>&& items);
virtual const SyncItemMap& sync_items() const;
// syncer::SyncableService
void WaitUntilReadyToSync(base::OnceClosure done) override;
std::optional<syncer::ModelError> MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
syncer::DataType type,
const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor) override;
void StopSyncing(syncer::DataType type) override;
syncer::SyncDataList GetAllSyncDataForTesting() const;
std::optional<syncer::ModelError> ProcessSyncChanges(
const base::Location& from_here,
const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) override;
base::WeakPtr<SyncableService> AsWeakPtr() override;
// KeyedService
void Shutdown() override;
// reorder::AppListReorderDelegate:
void SetAppListPreferredOrder(ash::AppListSortOrder order) override;
syncer::StringOrdinal CalculateGlobalFrontPosition() const override;
bool CalculateItemPositionInPermanentSortOrder(
const ash::AppListItemMetadata& metadata,
syncer::StringOrdinal* target_position) const override;
ash::AppListSortOrder GetPermanentSortingOrder() const override;
void set_app_default_positioned_for_new_users_only_for_test(
const std::string& app_id) {
app_default_positioned_for_new_users_only_ = app_id;
friend class AppListSyncModelSanitizer;
friend struct base::ScopedObservationTraits<AppListSyncableService,
class ModelUpdaterObserver;
// Registers new observers and makes sure that service is started.
void AddObserverAndStart(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Builds the model once ExtensionService is ready.
void BuildModel();
// Returns true if sync has restarted, otherwise runs |flare_|.
bool SyncStarted();
// If |app_item| matches an existing sync item, returns it. Otherwise adds
// |app_item| to |sync_items_| and returns the new item. If |app_item| is
// invalid returns NULL.
SyncItem* FindOrAddSyncItem(const ChromeAppListItem* app_item);
// Creates a sync item for |app_item| and sends an ADD SyncChange event.
SyncItem* CreateSyncItemFromAppItem(const ChromeAppListItem* app_item);
// If a sync item for |app_item| already exists, update |app_item| from the
// sync item, otherwise create a new sync item from |app_item|.
void AddOrUpdateFromSyncItem(const ChromeAppListItem* app_item);
// Either uninstalling a default app or remove the REMOVE_DEFAULT sync item.
// Returns true if the app is removed. Otherwise deletes the existing sync
// item and returns false.
bool RemoveDefaultApp(const ChromeAppListItem* item, SyncItem* sync_item);
// Returns whether the delete-sync-item request was for a default app. If
// true, the |sync_item| is set to REMOVE_DEFAULT and bounced back to the
// sync server. The caller should abort deleting the |sync_item|.
bool InterceptDeleteDefaultApp(SyncItem* sync_item);
// Deletes a sync item from |sync_items_| and sends a DELETE action.
void DeleteSyncItem(const std::string& item_id);
// Updates existing entry in |sync_items_| from |app_item|.
void UpdateSyncItem(const ChromeAppListItem* app_item);
// Removes sync item matching |id|.
void RemoveSyncItem(const std::string& id);
// Updates folder items that may get created during initial sync.
void ResolveFolderPositions();
// Removes any empty SyncItem folders and deletes them from sync. Called
// after a sync item is removed (which may result in an empty folder).
void PruneEmptySyncFolders();
// Creates or updates a SyncItem from |specifics|.
void ProcessSyncItemSpecifics(const sync_pb::AppListSpecifics& specifics);
// Handles a newly created sync item (e.g. creates a new AppItem and adds it
// to the model or uninstalls a deleted default item.
void ProcessNewSyncItem(SyncItem* sync_item);
// Handles an existing sync item.
void ProcessExistingSyncItem(SyncItem* sync_item);
// Sends ADD or CHANGED for sync item.
void SendSyncChange(SyncItem* sync_item,
syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType sync_change_type);
// Returns an existing sync item corresponding to `item_id` or NULL.
SyncItem* FindSyncItem(const std::string& item_id);
// Creates a new sync item for |item_id|.
SyncItem* CreateSyncItem(const std::string& item_id,
sync_pb::AppListSpecifics::AppListItemType item_type,
bool is_new);
// Deletes a SyncItem matching |specifics|.
void DeleteSyncItemSpecifics(const sync_pb::AppListSpecifics& specifics);
// Returns true if an extension matching |id| exists and was installed by
// an OEM (extension->was_installed_by_oem() is true).
bool AppIsOem(const std::string& id);
// Initializes sync items from the local storage while sync service is not
// enabled.
void InitFromLocalStorage();
// Helper that notifies observers that sync model has been updated.
void NotifyObserversSyncUpdated();
// Handles model update start/finish.
void HandleUpdateStarted();
void HandleUpdateFinished(bool clean_up_after_init_sync);
// Returns true if extension service is ready.
bool IsExtensionServiceReady() const;
// Returns a list of top level sync items sorted by item ordinal.
std::vector<SyncItem*> GetSortedTopLevelSyncItems() const;
// Remove leading, trailing and duplicate "page break" items in sorted top
// level item list.
void PruneRedundantPageBreakItems();
// Applies sync changes to the local item.
void UpdateSyncItemFromSync(const sync_pb::AppListSpecifics& specifics,
AppListSyncableService::SyncItem* item);
// Applies changes from the local item to sync item.
bool UpdateSyncItemFromAppItem(const ChromeAppListItem* app_item,
AppListSyncableService::SyncItem* sync_item);
// If `new_item` is found in AppPreloadServer `launcher_ordering`, this
// function returns true and sets `position`. Additionally sets `folder_id`,
// `folder_name`, and `folder_position` if the item is not in the root folder.
bool GetAppPreloadServiceInfo(const ChromeAppListItem* new_item,
syncer::StringOrdinal* position,
std::string* folder_id,
std::string* folder_name,
syncer::StringOrdinal* folder_position) const;
// Sets OEM folder name if any OEM folder is specified in the root folder.
void SetOemFolderNameFromAppPreloadService(
const apps::LauncherOrdering& launcher_ordering);
// Initializes `new_item`'s position. This function should be called before
// adding `new_item` to `model_updater_`.
void InitNewItemPosition(ChromeAppListItem* new_item);
// Sets position, folder id and pin position for the app |app_id|. Attributes
// are taken from the sync item |attributes|. This generates sync update and
// notifies app models and Chrome shelf controller that are automatically
// refreshed.
void ApplyAppAttributes(const std::string& app_id,
std::unique_ptr<SyncItem> attributes);
// Creates a `ChromeAppListItem` and a sync item for the specified folder if
// it doesn't already exist. `folder_position` is used if it is valid, and
// this item does not already have sync data.
void EnsureFolderExists(const std::string& folder_id,
const std::string& folder_name,
syncer::StringOrdinal folder_position);
// Creates or updates a GuestOS folder's sync data if the folder is
// missing.
void MaybeAddOrUpdateGuestOsFolderSyncData(const std::string& folder_id);
// Creates a folder if the parent folder is missing before adding `app_item`.
// Returns true if the folder already existed, or if it got created. Returns
// false if the method failed to ensure the folder existence.
bool MaybeCreateFolderBeforeAddingItem(ChromeAppListItem* app_item,
const std::string& folder_id);
// Returns whether the app with `app_id` should be positioned in the default
// app order for new users only (for existing users, the app will be added to
// front of the app list when installed).
bool IsAppDefaultPositionedForNewUsersOnly(const std::string& app_id) const;
raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
raw_ptr<extensions::ExtensionSystem> extension_system_;
raw_ptr<extensions::ExtensionRegistry> extension_registry_;
std::unique_ptr<AppListModelUpdater> model_updater_;
std::unique_ptr<ModelUpdaterObserver> model_updater_observer_;
std::unique_ptr<AppListSyncModelSanitizer> sync_model_sanitizer_;
std::unique_ptr<AppServiceAppModelBuilder> app_service_apps_builder_;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor_;
SyncItemMap sync_items_;
// Map that keeps pending request to transfer attributes from one app to
// another.
SyncItemMap pending_transfer_map_;
syncer::SyncableService::StartSyncFlare flare_;
bool local_state_initially_empty_ = false;
bool initial_sync_data_processed_ = false;
bool first_app_list_sync_ = true;
// Whether OEM folder position is set to a provisional value - the default OEM
// folder position depends on whether sync data contains any non-default apps.
// If an OEM app gets installed before initial app lists sync data is
// processed, the OEM folder position may be incorrect due to unknown sync
// data state, and has to be recalculated when initial sync gets processed -
// this variable is used to detect this state.
bool oem_folder_using_provisional_default_position_ = false;
std::string oem_folder_name_;
base::OnceClosure wait_until_ready_to_sync_cb_;
// Whether the first sync in the session was thought to be the first sync ever
// across all ChromeOS devices and sessions for the associated user. Note that
// this value is absent until completion of the first sync in the session.
std::optional<bool> first_sync_was_first_sync_ever_;
// Map from a promise app item to an app sync item linked with the promise app
// - created by `CreateLinkedPromiseSyncItemIfAvailable()`.
std::map<std::string, std::string> items_linked_to_promise_item_;
// Used in tests to add an extra app whose default position is used for new
// users only. `IsAppDefaultPositionedForNewUsersOnly()` will return true for
// this app.
std::optional<std::string> app_default_positioned_for_new_users_only_;
// Launcher ordering from AppPreloadService.
apps::LauncherOrdering preload_service_order_;
// Map of ordinals for AppPreloadService ordering.
std::map<apps::LauncherItem, syncer::StringOrdinal> preload_service_ordinals_;
// List of observers.
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
base::OneShotEvent on_first_sync_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppListSyncableService> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace app_list
namespace base {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<app_list::AppListSyncableService,
app_list::AppListSyncableService::Observer> {
static void AddObserver(
app_list::AppListSyncableService* source,
app_list::AppListSyncableService::Observer* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(
app_list::AppListSyncableService* source,
app_list::AppListSyncableService::Observer* observer) {
} // namespace base