// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_list/arc/arc_app_list_prefs.h"
class PrefService;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace arc {
// Helper class that starts Play Fast App Reinstall flow when the Play Store app
// is ready.
class ArcFastAppReinstallStarter : public ArcAppListPrefs::Observer {
ArcFastAppReinstallStarter(content::BrowserContext* context,
PrefService* pref_service);
ArcFastAppReinstallStarter(const ArcFastAppReinstallStarter&) = delete;
ArcFastAppReinstallStarter& operator=(const ArcFastAppReinstallStarter&) =
~ArcFastAppReinstallStarter() override;
// Creating Fast App Reinstall starter will call MaybeStartFastAppReinstall().
// If the flow has already started, there is no need to create a new starter.
static std::unique_ptr<ArcFastAppReinstallStarter> CreateIfNeeded(
content::BrowserContext* context,
PrefService* pref_service);
bool started() const { return started_; }
void OnAppsSelectionFinished();
void MaybeStartFastAppReinstall();
// ArcAppListPrefs::Observer:
void OnAppRegistered(const std::string& app_id,
const ArcAppListPrefs::AppInfo& app_info) override;
void OnAppStatesChanged(const std::string& app_id,
const ArcAppListPrefs::AppInfo& app_info) override;
const raw_ptr<content::BrowserContext> context_;
const raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_;
bool started_ = false;
} // namespace arc